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Anonymous asked in TravelOther - Destinations · 6 months ago

Frequent travelers, what's the most exotic place you've ever been to ?

I am 28 right now, and I remember going to the Marshall Islands and Niue with a friend when I was 20 or 21. Both places in Oceania. Great adventure. The Marshalls is a country and Niue is a territory of NZ. 

7 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    Lots but i will mainly name 2.

    - Cappadocia, Turkey

    - Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

  • 2 months ago


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  • 3 months ago

    Funnily enough some of the oddest places I've been to are right here the USA. But the issue is, not big cities or vacation destinations. The oddest places are the out-of-the-way backwoods. In any big city you'll find more or less the same everything from stores to attitudes. The schism isn't between political geography, it's between cultural geographies. 

    Go from Huston or NY or LA or wherever and drive out where there aren't any roads. Where the gas station, store, and post office are all the same place. You can go to where black people shoot each other or to where white people shoot everything else. Both will be exotic to you if you normally drive to 7/11. And I'm sure the same dynamic exists whether your 7/11 has palm tress or polar bears next to it. 

  • 5 months ago

    Shenyang China. I went there for working and was excited about it because the closest neighbors were Russia and North Korea. 2 of my top 15 countries I would like to live in. China is the second most desirable country for me to live in. I love China more than I love the USA and would not leave if they allowed me to stay forever.

  • 5 months ago

    Probably Iceland or Morocco.

  • 6 months ago

    Depends what you mean by "exotic". It used to mean things such as "faraway beaches fringed by palm trees in warm climates."

    So does Palampur in North India just below the Himalayas count?

    How come I can't add a photo here?

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    I traveled on business and sometimes for vacations. How about Sanya on Hainan Island, PR China in the South China Sea.

    I live in Las Vegas and some people think that's different.

    A long time ago, to Skagway, Alaska and Glacier Bay. 

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