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Dem's do you like being lied to ?
Dem's do you like being lied to ? Played the Fool? get riled up over lies, because they know you will fall for it ?
On Nov 13, 2020 Jody Hice wrote Jill Murphy a letter saying The DNC lied and there is no President Elect ! So all the Biden won, President Elect, Trump is wrong for not giving Biden Security intel .....
Trump was actually the one telling you the Truth !...
Yet the Medai and DEM's have you up in arms over their Propaganda that you Bought!
Doesn't that make you wonder why the have to lie to you so much, and to what lengths will these Decitful Criminals go to get what they want ?....
To dirve this point home go search all the Main Stream outlets about this letter !
Pretty scary!
6 Answers
- Anonymous5 months agoFavourite answer
They are brainwashed by Marxism, they do not realize that CNN, for example, is lying to them.
- Anonymous2 months ago
Thumb up Randy R! 👍
And I greatly appreciate the following video which you supplied elsewhere!
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
- Elwood BluesLv 75 months ago
C'mon, stop the charade. If you cared the least little bit about the truth, you never would have supported that lying sack of corruption known as Donald Trump. Your empty attempt to pretend to care about "character" is laughable.
- Anonymous5 months ago
Jody Hice is a big fat idiot and so are you.
Jody Hice can suck my cock, balls and asshole and so can you.
Your moronic feelings mean nothing to anybody.
- Anonymous5 months ago
I only believe what you and donnie tell me. I don't like scary letters. Please hold me Randy.
- Anonymous5 months ago
No, we don't. That's why we threw Trump out of office.