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Lv 6
Stuart asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 months ago

Is the gop divided ?

The Hill › homenews › administration

Trump calls on Georgia Gov. Kemp to resign | TheHill

11 hours ago — Trump's tweet on Wednesday, however, marked the first time the president has called for Kemp to step down. ADVERTISEMENT. Trump has also sought to pressure Kemp and other Georgia

3 Answers

  • 4 months ago

    Trump is doing all he can to divide the GOP.  ADVERTISEMENT.  Trump was never really a Republican.  He used the party for his own purposes, while making them think they were using him.  There is no honor among thieves.

    At this point, Trump is trying to punish the GOP for not intervening to cancel the election and give him a 2nd term.  He's convinced himself that it's THEIR fault he didn't win, or that the election wasn't rigged in his favor.

    Trump and the Republicans have one thing in common.  They don't believe in democracy or the Democratic Party.  They believe winning is the only important thing and you do what you have to do to win.  Whatever you can get away with.

    Trump's departure will cause a power-vacuum in the Republican Party.  There will be an internal struggle to decide the direction the party will go from here.  If both of the Georgia runoff races go Democratic, they'll be even more internal trouble in the party.  I would like to see that!

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Certainly, the GOP is almost gone....even the Georgia GOP hates Trump and McConnell guts

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 months ago

    yup, and the tea baggers are going to make a comeback lol

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