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Now that their second failed coup/ unconstitutional impeachment has FAILED, shouldn't the dems be removed from office and tried for treason?
Traitor libs should be executed!
6 Answers
- Anonymous2 months agoFavourite answer
second failed coup? Do you even know what the word means? BLAH HA HA!
The real attempted coup was the pro-Trump insurrection at the Capitol.
- tribeca_belleLv 72 months ago
At least you admit that you're a troll. Traitor Trump and his treasonous terrorists should be tried for Treason and Sedition.
- Anonymous2 months ago
The ONE massive change to our system that would restore the power of representative government to the People is the "Instant Run-Off Vote". Look it up. It would end the two-party stranglehold.
- Anonymous2 months ago
I think that’s safe to say
Source(s): Lord Trollman