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Is it appropriation to make a product for a culture I don't belong to?

I make and sell art and I wanted to do a st Patrick's day piece for the upcoming holiday. I'm worried that it would be considered appropriation though as I am British but not Irish. I just want to make my art available to everyone to enjoy the holiday, as I am all about inclusivity, but do not want to step on any toes. Thoughts?

9 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    The Irish have more sense than to fret about nonsense like that.

  • Ludwig
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Yes.  Nothing wrong with that.  I import whips and chains and gimp masks for sale to perverts, but I am not part of their 'culture'.  St Patrick was of course, a Welshman.  He travelled to Ireland specifically to eradicate their 'culture' which was one of pagan cannibalism.

  • 4 weeks ago

    I appreciate the point that you'r trying to make.  However, don't you think that your taking this over-sensitivity business a bit too far? We are all sensitive about something, but if in our contacts with each other we need to consider every sensitivity that we have, then I suggest that any contact at with each other is going to be impossible.  I don't know which is the biggest restriction, your sensitivity as to their cultural biases, of their sensitivities  towards their own cultural biases. Either way its not going to work for you, for them, or for anyone else.   Don't you think that its about time you all make a great effort to grow up a little,  (a lot).

    As individuals we all have different opinions about most things, the greatest being based on our cultures probably because of their far off origins, and the fact that  their continued existence developed from  a primitive but very  successful form of brainwashing. It is an unfortunate fact that once you can convince a group of people that you can think for them better than they can do it for themselves, you are in full control of their very existence.      Sad isn't it.

  • 1 month ago

    You are being over sensitive.  Paint and sell what ever you like.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    Really miss the days when this was ridiculous. Freedom from crap. Just do it have fun and stop watching CNN.

  • drip
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    So you think you can only make British things to sell to British people??  

    I see no reason why you couldn’t make a St.Patrick’s piece to sell.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    I would do what you want and worry about the politics of it later.  Self censorship isn’t really compatible with life as an artist.

    If it comes from an honest place, I’m sure people will recognise it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    i dont see anything wrong with that

  • 2 months ago

    I don't know how they feel about it in the UK, but in the US nobody cares.  Everybody thinks they are Irish on St. Patrick's Day.  

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