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Anonymous asked in SportsBasketball · 1 month ago

Asian Basketball Post Pandemic?

I am an Asian American. I play basketball and was fortunate to play on the HS team growing. A lot of asians play as well. With the recent pandemic attacks on Asian Americans and public figures being called Coronavirus....I am uncertain of the future of Asians playing basketball. I know a lot of Asians play in "Asian organizations" but I am sort of an outsider having grown up with diverse friends. What are your thoughts on post-pandemic basketball for Asian Americans?

7 Answers

  • Steve
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    Sadly and bluntly, I think youd just have to take what comes to you as far as hatred goes. We cant control society in that matter. We can prosecute it, but that wont truly stop it. Peoples moods may get less consumed with hate, but it will never go away. I say keep your close, diverse group of friends. Theres strength in numbers. I think youd be safer from racism around a diverse group rather than a group of only Asians. Dont be surprised if you even experience racism on the court. I hope that asians, including yourself, wont allow a few bad apples (in the grand total of a population) ruin what you love to do.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 month ago

    It is true trump put a target on Asians he uses them as a scapegoat for his own miserable 

    lying handling of Covid ,

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    How about soccer? It's really fun once you get into it. Height is important in basketball.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    If being called coronavirus stops you from doing what you love. Then maybe you weren't passionate about basketball in the first place. It's not right but, that's not the worst name someone can call you and it certainly won't be the last. Black people are discriminated non-stop in all countries to include Africa. If a name stopped them for doing what they love they would literally be a extinct race of people. From : creating light bulbs, to successfully performing the 1st heart surgery, teaching Americans how to properly bathe with soap, creating recipes, the super soaker, slushies, starring in films, performing in music concerts, opera's, plays, films, being the first to cure cancer in mice, and the first creator of the corona virus vaccine. 

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    I've come to the realization that putting a rest to the game may be an option.

  • 1 month ago

    Why don't you just become janitors ?

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Pandemic attacks on Asians - bunch of hooey. Heard a lib on CNN say that 99.99% of them were not even crimes. Don't drink the KoolAid

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