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Why Do Libbies Insist I Have To Wear a Mask ?

The mask can't stop the China Virus,  because its really small. Not that the virus is real in the first place.  I have a friend in the ICU who told me that it's a hoax,  but he'll loser his doctor license if they find out he's telling people! Besides, the mask cuts off oxygen. I need that to live! I'll take my chance with the fake virus that probably won't kill me over the lack of oxygen that definately will!


@Anonymous is it really misinformation if it's fairly obvious I'm CLEARLY making things up? 

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    Lord Trollington how fitting. Reported for spreading misinformation.

  • I had a friend who once told me that oxygen was a hoax... oh but I guess you are the proof that oxygen exists!

    Thanks for clarifying that.

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