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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesDancing · 1 month ago

Should I take ballet?

I'm pretty short and I love to dance. I believe I have a good physique for it, but I'm afraid of injuries to your feet because I seen they are quite bad. Any advice?

4 Answers

  • 1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    Injuries to your feet happen only  when there is bad training. When dancers are rushed into pointe shoes before they are ready and/or the pointe shoes are ill fitted. As pointe work is not  for beginners and years down the road if you decide to pursue it ( you don’t have to) I see no reason why you can’t start in an 

    age appropriate beginner ballet class. 

    Below is a photo of the great Sylvie Guillem’s feet.  Not damaged but articulated and strong! 

    Edit: Your height has little to do with having the right body for ballet. Professional female ballet dancers are all heights but the majority fall between 5’ 2” and 5’ 8” tall. As almost all of ballet comes from your turnout, it helps if you were born with shallow hip sockets which will give you fuller natural turnout. Long stretchy Achilles’ tendons is a plus too.

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

     My daughter has danced most of her life. She has never had an injury that is quite bad.

    Professional dancers rarely  have quite bad injuries to their feet. 

    Your feet and toes do get beat up. You need to take care of them. Corns, nails, blisters can not be ignored.

    If you are afraid of injuries , then there is a lot of things you would not be doing. 

    All Physical activities has  the  potential of causing some kind injury at some point. 

    Taking a ballet class or two during the week is not going to damage your feet beyond repair. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Ballet dancers just push through the pain, it’s just another obstical you have to overcome.  Nothing more

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    If you want. I don't know of all the dance styles out there. Whatever happened to tap dancing?

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