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How to enable spell check ?

I have a new HP Envy laptop. When  I right click (which is in the middle on the lower mouse pad) nothing happens. I have tried going to settings then to devices/typing and all the rest of the directions but still can't enable spell check.I'm not computer savy,so I need detailed instructions.Please help

thank you 

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    There is several ways.  Each Word processing program has its own spell checker.

    .   I don't use any as I am replying through my browser and typing write on the page.

    . Still there is a spell check and it is in 3 horizontal bars under the X up in the corner of your screen (that is menu or options, I can't remember which) but every browser has this menu.  If you left click on it it should open a big list. and you go in there(maybe "Extensions" or "More Tools" or "Settings" and you have a look around.   Each has its own spell checker so underlines words you messed up on by under lining in red.   When you mouse over the word and right click it it will offer up correctly written words and you choose what you want and left click on that word and it is corrected.  This is to U.S. English standards so sometimes you know the word is spelled with a z not an s so you add a word to your custom dictionary.  I have added probably 300 words to my dictionary some of the words are chemical names that are not in any dictionary except a chemist's.

    . I don't know what browser you are using now (I have the choice of 4 different browsers.) so each browser has to be set up to suggest correct spelling on the words.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    I don't use it, I do better without it.                  

  • 1 month ago

    you did not tell us what software you are using where you need to spell check.

  • Enigma
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    Spell Check is in the browser's settings,not the PC's operating system or settings.

  • Bill-M
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Right Click and Spell Check are not directly related.

    Spell Check is only available within a program that you have open. Some programs like Word Pad or Notepad do not have Spell Check.

    If you have MS Word open and are typing a letter and miss-spell a word, it will be underlined in Red,  Then you Right click on it to see the options.

    The Right Click button is not in the Middle of the mouse pad it is on The RIGHT (hence the name right click).   Get your self a proper mouse, it is far better then using the pad.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    right click is not in the middle. it is in the lower right, as its name would imply.

    what program are you using that you want to use spell check? every program has it located in a different place.

    if your "right-click" does not work, then you should invest in an external mouse, else pay to have the touchpad replaced...

  • 1 month ago



    click the device tab

    Click on typing tab

    Turn on spelling options on the top right

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