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if inciting violence is a crime why wasn't maxine waters arrested for involvement in the attacks of scalise and Rand paul?
by the way trump was right we did lose our country to a GOD DAMN CHINA *** KISSING IRAN LEADER BLOWING COMMUNIST
11 Answers
- ?Lv 64 weeks ago
Inciting violence is only a crime for those people who are not "above the law". That seems to exclude dems doesn't it.
- GaryLv 54 weeks ago
For the EXACT same reason the LIEberal left socialist demoCROOK'S in CONgress tried to impeach Trump for the crimes quid pro quo braindead Joe Biden committed!! First and foremost because she's a HARDCORE LIEberal left socialist demoCROOK
, she's a female (I think) AND she is more than 1/1024th. of African American decent so she automagically given "a pass" on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING ILLEGAL or improper she has done in the past, present OR future!
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
If hate had a face it would look like this
- EdWinterLv 74 weeks ago
Max gets a pass. You KNOW why.
Sad, so very, VERY sad (about Max, I mean! lol). <sigh>
- ?Lv 74 weeks ago
The obvious answer is because Maxine Waters didn't stand in front of a crowd and tell them to "fight like hell" or they'd "lose their country."
- 4 weeks ago
Because she's black and she's got a D next to her name. It really is that simple.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
Did she call them douche bags, oh my