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why won't democrats admit biden has dementia and gets no credit for anything since all he does is destroy ?
how is biden who has done nothing since everything is still going by Trumps plan except the jobs that biden destroyed on behalf of russia china and ukraine, doing better than Trump , also don't even think of blaming TRUMP for CONGRESSES failure to control the virus it was their job not his
also there were violations by election officials which makes the election illegitimate, Secretaries of state have no say over election rules such as whether or not signatures are verified, Poll workers CANNOT be minors, and 17 is a minor, electioneering is illegal as is stealing a truck full of ballots or transfering ballots between states
4 Answers
- ?Lv 73 weeks ago
I would guess, because we only have the word of trolls and butthurt losers, bitter about Joe beating their dear leader like a rented mule.
- RepubliCrayonLv 53 weeks ago
Okay he has dementia. But it's Republican dementia. Democratic dementia is defined differently in that party
- 3 weeks ago
I don't know what planet you live on, but Biden's doing a great job compared to his predecessor. I trust him with my life, which is something no one can say about Trump...
- OnlookerLv 73 weeks ago
Trump lost by 7,000,000 votes, even losing 2 red states, but at least he joins that small club of presidents who the people threw out after only one term.