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why did trump lose ; the election was rigged or that he lost because he didn't take coronavirus serious ? ?

13 Answers

  • RICK
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    Trump lost mainly because he didn't take virus seriously 

    Other factors were his constant azzkissing of Putin, his constant lying, his constant slander and libel of others and his  making the USA a worldwide laughing stock

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    After 4 years of  stupid mismanagement, people didn't want him anymore. Mismanaging the Covid epidemic was merely the worst of a lot of failures.

  • Daisy
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Trump lost the election because he said the virus was a 'hoax' created by the Democrats to cause him to loose the election.  He contradicted Dr Fauci and Dr. Birx in the press conferences about the seriousness of the virus.  He went out in public without a mask and made fun of those who took the warnings seriously.

    He began 2020 saying the election was rigged when the states were working diligently to safeguard the voting process in the middle of the pandemic.  He planted the idea of the 'stolen election' in the minds of his supporters who still believe he legitimately won the election.  His supporters (including members of his own party and cabinet) also made these false claims.  

    He incited a riot on January 6th to stop the certification of the election- that's treasonous.   That's why he was impeached a second time.  He should have gone to jail for that. 

    He is a horrible person.  He deserved to loose the election- he lost because of his ego and the desire to stay in power no matter what.

  • 3 weeks ago

    Trump did not lose, the media told us he lost and we believed them.  Look nobody is really gonna vote for Biden

  • 3 weeks ago

    I was so tired of the nonstop chaos and lies not to mention the fact that Trump is a despicable human being.  

  • 3 weeks ago

    Because the DEM's worked with China and Iran to change the Votes of the American People !  It was a Coup (Act of War) by foreign and Domestic Enemies/Terrorists !

    We could find out very easily if Trump RELLY did Loose , or if the DEM's committed a COUP against the "Will of The American People" !!!!!

    We just need to go to those 6 contested States, Get the LEGAL list of Registered Voters and have a Re-Vote !!!!

    Trumps EVIDENCE points to 100's of THOUSANDS of votes being Flipped, created,  Dead voters and under age voters !

    If the Re-Vote is within say 10% of the original Count that These CRIMINAL  Legislatures who Certified the Vote Count, then people like me would have to say Sorry for not believing the Fake News and Politicians .....

    But if the Count shows that Trump won by a lot, all the Brain Washed Sheep would realize that their Constitutional FREEDOMS have been taken away by the DEM's ! Thus No DEMOCRACY when DEM's are in power....

    Attachment image
  • Tmess2
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    He lost because Joe Biden wasn't Hillary Clinton.

    If you look back at the 2016 race, the key margin in several states was that Trump won the votes of people who hated both him and Clinton and other folks who hated both voted for third parties.

    In 2020, most of these voters did not have the same problem with Joe Biden that they had with Hillary Clinton.  As a result, this time the voted for Biden.  

    Look back at the six closest jurisdictions that Trump won in 2016 -- Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida,  Arizona, and Nebraska's 2nd District.  Arizona had the biggest margin of these six jurisdictions 3.5%.  In all six, the third party candidates got more than 4.5% of the vote combined.  In 2020, the third party vote in these states was less than 2% of the vote and Biden won five of the six.  

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Trump failed to make one simple connection. Control the virus to save the economy. He made one mistake after another w/ the wrong priorities/interpretations and the economy crashed because people became insecure about their safety. He could have avoided the 'inept label' by simply following the advice of epidemiologists. But, he thought he knew more than he does and did it his way. He gets the blame/can't blame them.

  • 3 weeks ago

    #1 reason:   traitor trump didn’t take Coronavirus seriously.  

    (Also, trump is a TRAITOR to The USA!  🇺🇸 ) 

    Source(s): life!
  • 3 weeks ago

    He lost because he was awful. Coronavirus was just the high profile thing at the end. His trade wars destroyed the production supply chain, leaving companies that still managed to make money producing goods in the US strapped for cash all the while China just laughing. Coronavirus PPP loans actually helped pull a lot of companies out of that cash crunch that he caused to begin with.

  • y
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    He did take the virus seriously. He didn't was a talking point.  If election laws had not been changed/altered in multiple states and cities, would the results have been the same? States are now opening up with the same numbers they claimed, were reason to shut down before the election. We are not at herd immunity as of yet and do not know, with the variants. Whether herd immunity is even possible. So why the changes to the policies from last year when the science, is the same?

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