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Was Reagan the greatest president after wwII?
I like what Reagan did, but some people dislike him? why?
8 Answers
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Nope. He started impoverishing the majority, to enrich the super-rich.
- RICKLv 73 weeks ago
Reagan turned the USA from the world's biggest lender into the world's biggest borrower....
- Tmess2Lv 73 weeks ago
First, he exploded the deficit. Anybody who thinks that debt matters has to see Reagan as one of the big villains in our fiscal irresponsibility.
Second, he dramatically altered the tax system which has had long term consequences for income inequality. Reagan's changes to the tax rate contributed to the pay for top executives going through the roof. Before Reagan, the tax rate on top incomes was 70%. By the end of the Reagan presidency, the top tax rate was 28%. Because the top tax rate is only imposed on additional income, prior to Reagan, there was a strong disincentive for people in the top bracket to ask for additional current compensation. Instead, they sought forms of compensation that spread out payments. Now, the difference between the brackets is so small that the incentive is to get as much as you can in current compensation. As a result, the salaries of top executives has skyrocketed. While this change was supposed to encourage economic growth, most economists have found that there has been little or no economic growth that can be attributed to the tax cuts passed by Reagan.
Third, he was rather ruthless towards unions. Historically, a strong union movement has been associated with more workers earning middle class incomes. Since Reagan, income for blue collar workers has stagnated.
- 3 weeks ago
Yes. Reagan was senile when first elected and in the advanced stages of dementia when he was reelected. As President, he did nothing, allowing the civil service to run the country and they did it very well.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Learn about Iran/Contra. This had enough potential to destroy the Reagan legacy. Daddy bush put an end to the investigations when his name began surfacing. No matter what, it happened on Reagan's watch and was as 'scandalous corruption' as it gets. Reagan became the father of fake news when he vetoed the Fairness Doctrine. This needs to be revisited. Trickle down myass etc. I can add plenty more. I'm educated.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
If you leave out Johnson, Clinton, and Obama maybe.
- 3 weeks ago
All presidents are actors. They only follow orders from the hidden hand.
They all want to make America great yet after 45 presidents America is worse after each one.