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why can't democrats realize dying with something is not the same at all as dying from something ?
george FLOYD died FROM fentanyl overdose they proved on louder with crowder that a knee to the back of the neck for 9 and a half minutes is NOT deadly
what I am saying is if you have a disease or virus HOWEVER its not any of the symptoms that kill you, then you didn't die From the virus you only died with it
Artemisc Actually wrong there see the blood loss is a symptom from the wound from the stabbing thats different than say having Covid but dying of diabetes
8 Answers
- MandyLv 73 weeks ago
George Floyd died FROM having Chauvin’s knee pressed into his neck for 9:29. You are most welcome.
- ArtemiscLv 73 weeks ago
So based on your logic, if you are stabbed you die from blood loss, but with a stab wound. But the stab wound didn't kill you, blood loss did.
I really hope you never seek a career in medicine.
- princess pounderLv 73 weeks ago
Very intelligent question! Many of those dying with covid were already dying from other things. The drs and hospitals got paid more to blame it on covid. So thats what they did.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
who knows why people don't realize things. like why don't you realize exposing your genitals to children is not right?
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Dems wouldn't die to save their mothers