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Could he be playing me because he's going to eventually leave me.?🤔?

I'm 8 months pregnant and my baby's Father had been forcing me to watch his other child who isn't mine because he doesn't want to pay child support... He's also been cheating on me too while I'm pregnant with different women for 2 year's. Then, His 1st baby's mother actually put a PPO on him back in Feb 2021 for Domestic violence (she posted the pictures on Facebook of her black eye) plus she sent CPS to our house, stressing me out even more. And Sadly, i would always cover up for him telling everyone his 1st baby's mom is the problem, a stalker who won't leave us alone just so HE wont look bad. Either way, they don't like him anyway. I did say I'm going to have 5-10 kids with him. Now, im going to be watching my 2 kids , plus her child! Obviously I see it is NOT easy. We barely keep money cause he would gamble it ALL away. Smh Could he be playing me because he's going to eventually leave me for another woman.?🤔

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    You were stupid enough to get pregnant with this loser. So now you reap what you sow. You are probably too stupid to dump him too.

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