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14 Answers
- 2 weeks ago
People asked this when Clinton got elected, they asked it when Obama got elected, now we are seeing it again. The utter foolishness to believe such nonsense. To the user that talked about "Trump losing by 3 million votes" that's 1% of the population, stop being so ridiculous. Stop listening to the leftist media. No one is suppressing voters. Responsible voting laws that are common in every other western country do not equate to "suppression".
We know when election day is, there needs to be a hard date and time when ballots will no longer be accepted in order to help the populace feel at ease. Watching boxes and boxes of ballots showing up days after the election is over with, and pushing one candidate over the top of the other one who WAS winning is why people don't trust the system. You can scream all you want about the election being fair, that doesn't change what people saw happening days after it was over with. (And lets not forget, YOU carried on about Russia the entire time while Trump was in office, despite Russia having no affect on our election at all).
Common sense voting laws do not equate suppression. And your Democrat politicians should answer the questions presented in interviews when they are questioned about "Why is it racist?" because they are going to sound like racists themselves saying that blacks can't afford ID cards or are too stupid/ignorant to get ID cards.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Not easily. They'd have to change their way of doing things, make Blacks and HIspanics feel welcome, which would anger racist Whites, the sorts who went Republicans when the Dems abandoned racism.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
The GOP is nervous about what's developing. They decided to obstruct the first black president inauguration day. Trump lost the popular vote by 3M and 7M votes. They feel it slipping away ... underhandedness remains as compensation. If they moved back to working for the country instead of the party they could increase votes that way. 60% reps supported Biden's relief package. Not one rep voted for it. That's problematic.
- Tmess2Lv 72 weeks ago
Well vote suppression is only strategy number 1.
Carefully carving up districts so that Democrats get 80% of the vote in Democratic districts and Republicans get 60% of the vote in Republican districts is strategy number 2. When district lines are drawn so that one party can get 53% of the vote in a state and still be the minority in state legislatures and congressional delegations, you know that something is wrong.
Strategy number 3 is focusing on cultural issues in campaigns in order to get away with screwing their base on economic issues. In state after state, Democratic policies win state-wide referendum votes while the voters elect legislators who try to find ways to undermine what their state just voted for. To use Missouri as an example, last year Missouri voted for Medicaid expansion but the Republican legislature is now refusing to comply with that state constitutional provision.
- 2 weeks ago
Let me help you out here !
Asking American Voters to Prove they are LEGALLY ABLE TO VOTE IS NOT SUPPRESSION !!!!....
You are either very gulible, dumb or Racist !
You either can think about what;'s going on or you simple let the MEdia/DEMs tell you what to Think and say !
You are like the People in this video !
P.S. You're welcome ;)
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
absolutely, joe only won 477 counties out of 3,141 the other 85% voted a different direction meaning the liberal safe space is much smaller than they’d like you to believe
- troiLv 42 weeks ago
Well the wont win on there merits. A vote for a republican is voluntarily unzipping your pants and grabbing your ankles for the sake of their financial well being.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
The GOP clearly doesn't think so.