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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationBuying & Selling · 2 weeks ago

BMW 5 series 2011-2015 or Honda Pilot 2012-2015?

So this will be my first car I’m in my 3rd year of college and was looking to buy a car around $17000 with under 80,000 miles on it. 

I always like how cool looking bmws are but I’m afraid if it breaks down dealers will rip me off. My second choice would be Honda’s pilot SUV I like this car too but it doesn’t seem that cool lot of people say it’s a family car so what should get and how expensive the maintenance and gas will be. 

Appreciate all the answers 👍

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4 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    im in uk wife had had her 5 series for 23 years ..still excellent condition ..however your in America .only god knows how a student can afford to buy a car ..if it was me it would be the Honda ..your versions of 5 series are a lot different to ours ..ours are faster and more economical ..up to 60mpg ..on a diesel engine that emits less harmful emissions than most petrol engines build a very reliable car thats what you need most

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Stop trying to act like someone your not.

    BMWs are money pits and used BMWs will bankrupt you.

    Being "cool" always comes at a high price kid

    Buy something RELIABLE like a Toyota or Honda

  • 2 weeks ago

    BMW's will empty your pockets trying to maintain them. Buy a cheaper car and pay off your student loan! 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Both of these cars are not for college types.  Buy a smaller sedan or SUV from reliable brands that you can afford to operate and maintain.  Get the Bimmer when you make a six digit figure income.

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