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This normal for the vaccine?

I got pfizer and i got my first dose. on the first day I was tired so i went to bed around 5pm and woke up at 3am. I went to school and felt warm and sick so i went home and it got worse, after around seven hours I took two extra strength Tylenol (I was going to take it after I got home but I forgot, and i wasnt able to sleep since I had already slept more then normal) I was fine a few hours later and next day (today) I feel perfectly normal. For context I had covid officially around December and i was very weak for about two more months, I lost taste of spice and everything smelled bad. Now i have a lot of my senses back, but taste is still iffy

My moms a nurse and she says I'm fine, and I know when I'm sick, I always wear my mask and I stay home aside from work at school. I was just curious if anyone else had something similar happen to them after their doses.

3 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    that is somewhat typical for a vaccine response. While the responses are all over the place, yours is not unusual. Yes, you are fine.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    No I had the Pfizer  vaccine on Tuesday and just had a sore arm for about 12 hours.Everyone i have talked to the same sore arm that's it.It's probably because you had the virus already and the vaccine is doing it's job.

  • DW
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    I don't think there's a single "normal". Your experience sounds like its within the range of normal.

    The common experience is that people are more likely to have a serious response to the second dose rather than the first. But I've also heard that people previously exposed to the virus, like you, get that response to the first dose because your immune system has already had its first encounter with the virus.

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