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I'm looking for an older song 2000s.PLEASE HELP?

Back in 2007 I heard a song on youtube and I liked it but never saved it. The artist was either unpopular or new idk. It was a few years old back then. Here are the details... The song has a calm/indie/country vibe to it. The music video shows an ugly giant with a human body dressed in jeans and plat shirt. His face is huge ugly and brown. Monster looking thing. He has tiny mouth and he's playing a tiny guitar or ukhalali. He's walking through some open fields. All grass. 

Yep....... Anything???

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Plaid shirt. That may help. Plat is a way of doing hair.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    Wow 2000 was way back in the days 

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