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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 1 week ago

What lessons have you learned during this Ramadan (2021)?

The world is changing and even Yahoo is now shutting down. The people you knew are gone and new people enter your lives; your priorities change; your goals change; you make personal growth spiritually, intellectually, etc. In the end, to Allah we all return.

What are some things you've learned?What are last minute topics you'd like to discuss so others benefit?

Please pray for any users who may have returned to their Lord.


Beautifully said, Kin.

Update 2:

Women are the best ever - True!!!

Update 3:

@301 false- definitely useful things to learn

@armsour2000- Islam is the way of the future. sink or swim

@randomgurl- nice dua, thanks

@mayihaveyourattentionpleaseIX- aw. it'll be okay inshaAllah

Update 4:

@syed al fazim - beautiful last advice. MashaAllah

11 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    I've learned I know nothing.

  • 1 week ago

    I have learned YA is closing down.

  • Saad M
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    Ramadan is eternally one of the 5 pillars of Islam to respect, to accomplish, to offer it for God as one of the best venerations of God, in relation to the obligatory prayers and those complementary (Taraouih), in relation with alms at the end of the breaking of the fast (zakat al-fitr), finally with the complementary pilgrimage (omra), ... Ramadan is the exemplary school to recover and find faith or increase it. If prayer is the pillar of Islam, Ramadan is an important Islamic pole.

  • 1 week ago

    Yeah I have learnt one thing that the time runs super fast. This year Ramadan is going good so far.

    Alhamdullah ala khayr. There is nothing so far i had learnt as usual we all know that Fasting, Iftar, Prayers, Qur'an, charity. 

    I only have one concern to share to everyone of you, i know it may or may not bring any big changes but as a part of responsibility, i would just share anyways. 

    Do not just provide support only during Ramadan, Please help also the needy even if it is out of Ramadaan. There are millions suffer from the food crisis and they need your support. 

    I personally believe that to give help charity you don't need to wait until the Ramadan. Imagine yourself as one of them. Also when you help don't care about race, religion, etc etc. Just help even if it is a disbelievers, whenever he needs you help. 

    May Allah save the world and it's people. Ameen.

    Last but not least, initially I thought that many of you had left, but i am really amazed to see some of you still here. Now i am feeling little like i am back to my 20's lol. Now i am already uncle 31. Lol

    Take Care. 

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Message from OP:

    All the points people accumulated, the Best Answers they got, the upvotes they got, etc.. all vanish into thin air. What didn't vanish? Everything recorded in their Book of Deeds... and people's memories of them (hopefully positive). A reminder, be good, utilize time wisely and do good to others.

    Have a rose and smile :)

    Attachment image
  • "The people you knew are gone"' that hit so hard :/ I'm going to miss the ramadan section 

  • 1 week ago

    I have a Picture named Mohamed in the Bottom of my outside toilet and I Urinate on Him every Day for Raping his 6 year old Wife Mohamed i will Urinate upon him again


    i will never worship the Child Molester

    Pagan Muslims still telling Lies about the Baby Raper Mohamed

    we all know he approved sex with Babies

    we all Know Mohamed had sex with Goats Donkeys and Camels

    he even had sex with a DEAD wife

    Time Muslims told the Truth instead of abusing me

  • 1 week ago

    I learned to build a thick skin and be more tolerant

    We live and pass along,

    though I am being an idiot trying to reach out to older users.


    301 False

  • Kin
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    You can join Yahoo reddit r/ramadan section if you like, I don't think I'll be visiting forums anytime soon. Just type "ramadan" in reddit and you can ask questions, leave comments, etc. I took a break before from yahoo and I'll do it again. Maybe I'll visit reddit ramadan sometime. This year, The close relationships I value feel so near to me and so precious to me especially the way I always connect with my Creator and His beloved Master Habibullah, peace and blessings be upon him, even though I am so busy this year so busy and have my own trials to deal with. What makes me feel very good is something my Creator has said or something my Creator loves and something that makes Him happy.

    I occasionally answer a question or two around here.

    The special situations God Almighty has put me in couple of years ago helped me realize the Beauty of my Allah and I've learned His Mercy is His most beautiful quality to me even though He is the One who is full of Beauty, Al-Jamil.

    I've also discovered His extreme Generosity in the way I connect with my Creator and He gave me more than I've asked from Him and I've learned what makes The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, the happiest and that is when a human servant sincerely prostrates to Him alone. Ar-Rahman is the only one that can make me feel very emotional and connected whenever I think of my Creator and connecting with Him during prayer.

    The Qualities of my Lord make me feel so good and its a good thing to remember the Creator's qualities in order to have close trust in Him and the kind of intimacy that helps a believer have strong faith and without doubts whatever regardless the kind of situation one deals with in life.

    It is very exciting and feels very good when your Creator helps you remember Him and helps you acknowledge Him more than ever and I believe that is His love for the servant He helped remember Him. If Ar-Rahman helps you remember Him, know it is the expression of His intense love and invitation to closeness to Him.

  • Islam is the best religion. Ameen.

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