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THIS is immigration reform? Arrests of illegal aliens charged with homicide cut by 17 percent?

Arrests of illegal aliens charged with sexual assault cut by 22 percent

Arrests of illegal aliens charged with burglary cut by 60 percent

Arrests of illegal aliens charged with drunk driving cut by 71 percent

Arrests of illegal aliens considered security threats cut by 42 percent

Arrests of illegal aliens charged with immigration crimes cut by 54 percent

Arrests of illegal aliens charged with kidnapping cut by 40 percent

Arrests of illegal aliens charged with gun crimes cut by 30 percent

Does anyone know who's pulling the strings of this idiot puppet? Whoever it is they're succeeding in sinking this once-great country.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    I know who's funding the campaigns of all these anti law and order District Attorneys, which is basically what you're asking. 

  • 1 week ago

    AntiPOTUS Biden. Remember what illegals came saying: let us in Joe. You promised. 

    AntiPOTUS Biden ran on open borders. This is what you get. A nation without borders is no nation at all.

    To think, President Trump had this problem well on the way to being solved.

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