Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.
7 Answers
- 1 week agoFavourite answer
Yes I could make a baseline non insulting question about Joe Biden and it was amazing how fast it was taken down. It really started going downhill when Verizon bought Yahoo. I imagine a bunch of soy boys with ironic beards working in some crammed up Verizon building in cubicles getting triggered similar to how liberals screamed at the sky the day Trump won. Verizon sold itself to the devil of course with the NSA before Google so it's no surprise they're controlled by the woke globalist.
- Anonymous1 week ago
Most likely Yahoo themselves...
I've moved over to Similar Worlds already
much better overall website!
- Anonymous1 week ago
Republicans were not wasting enough money via Yahoo.
- ?Lv 71 week ago
The AnonnieGurl thang was the beginning of the end for YAP-YAP. Sad, so sad. <sigh>
And yes, nine out of ten of those gurls are "liberals" ill-equipped for a lil give-n-take.
- ?Lv 71 week ago
No. My questions and answers get occasionally deleted on Yahoo Answers. (My Tulsi Gabbard question got deleted.) Twitter never deleted my tweets.
- Anonymous1 week ago
That part I didn't like.