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Are you going to miss Y!A CE?

Petty squabbles about current affairs and political theories like the merits of liberalism vs National Socialism?

Telling strangers how to live their private lives?

Never-ending feuds over something someone said 5 years ago?

The perspicacious Shadow Drone schooling us all on the superiority of the English race and his ongoing quest to be perfected by genetic engineering? All the while being kind enough to educate us about the atrocities of lefties like the shoe-banging incident?

Fret not. Y!A CE is continuing on a superior forum. Join Divisive Babble!


Come on Dianne, how will I ever learn the errors of my ways if you're not round to teach me?

Are you scared of debating on an open forum?

Update 2:

Tigerlily - That's good going! I've been everything from a Jewish Marxist professor at the University of Glasgow to a devout Muslim to a drugged up degenerate spreading HIV to half the men and women in the country.

According to the Queen of CE, I'm also really called Michael. Or is it Harry?

9 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    Yes I am. Despite many troubles with some people I have fond memories of others I met in America when we had internal mail. And community voting was very special. I am not wanted in the new Reddish chat line,and I wont go where I am not wanted. David GH UK

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Did Nathan, Dave, and Dodgy Roger leave that Liverpool hotel they were staying in

  • 1 week ago

    No. It’s been turned into a cesspit of race hate and nastiness by far-right scum.

  • 1 week ago

    Incels are welcome too Peter

  • All welcome to Babble on

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    No I won't miss it and the weirdos who frequent it. Reddit is no different so I won't be joining it.

  • 1 week ago

    Sounds divine. Can't wait to try it. Is there a discount for being a member of Sons of the Confederacy 

    Source(s): mustached gun toting cowboy fashion victim across the pond
  • 1 week ago

    Oh yes. I've allegedly been a troll for 14 years, a police sergeant, lesbian and everyone on here. I've been busy.

  • 1 week ago

    No, it's a forum for perverts and degenerate people just like you.

    PS.... you should know, McCheesecake.

    This is my husband's phone, dopey.

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