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About Motorola smart phones.?
Among all the Motorola smart phones THAT HAVE A REMOVEABLE BACK (so that you can replace the battery easily) what models are the most reliable?
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans3 weeks agoCan citrus fruit be bad for your health?
Recently I had an unusual digestive problem , not painful, but where I had to go to the restroom in really a hurry like an extreme emergency. I really like citrus fruits. Quite often I eat orange wedges and I suspect that I may have mistakenly eaten a very small piece of the skin. Would that be enough to have such an effect? Also recently I ate quite a few (like half a dozen mandarins in a row . Would any of those things have such a result. Someone from an other country told me their country is concerned about American oranges as the wax used to protect it seeps through the skin and is not very healthy. Also I thought I heard about insecticides or pesticides used can be quite bad for the health. Does anyone have some knowledge about the subject?
7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink2 months agoAbout the 2020 census?
I am not too sure why our household was not counted during the 2020 census. Was it an isolated incident? A census person came to our door inquiring about the vacant house next door but nobody came for our household. I worked at the 2000 census and 2010 one and they were very very thorough. Does anybody has something to tell me about that situation? In case it is an isolated incident it is probably not a big deal but in case it happened on a large scale then that is a different story!
5 AnswersHistory2 months agoAbout solar energy and the environment?
Not too long time ago I saw a rather recent movie called "Sahara" (in color) In it they showed in a hot climate environment curved mirror devices to focus the rays and energy of the sun to create a high temperature beam that would deal with many kinds of toxic wastes with apparently no ill effects! In real life is such a method conceivable to get rid of most of our trash? Also is such a method efficient to produce energy and electricity on a large scale or even for a residence when you live in a hot and sunny environment?
Green Living2 months agoAbout abortion.?
Let us say I have a vehicle accident and am let paralyzed. I still love life, am able to eat, drink, watch movies read books, enjoy sunsets but cannot move without help. In case a friend brings me out of the house in my wheel chair, it not my situation outside the house quite similar to what it was when I was inside the house? That being said is the situation of unborn babies seems just about the same thing? I hear of 6 month old babies who are born early and live quite a healthy life. So why is there a law that allows babies to be killed after 6 months just for the convenience of the mother (even though the mother has the option to allow it to live then put it up for adoption) So it seems very obvious that it is just a question of convenience. So, in case one follows this path of logic, might not one of the next step be to terminate the lives of the physically or mentally challenged people just because they might be an inconvenience. (like they did in Nazi Germany a bit before the start of WW2. So my question is Are we not , in the not to distant future in danger of implementing such a law?.
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 months agoAbout homelessness in San Fransisco?
I understand that homelessness in San Fransisco is becoming a serious problem. people are depositing their belongings anywhere in the public streets, by stores etc. On top of that they feel they can go to restroom on sidewalks in front of everybody Why does not the city take care of this problem? Why do they not put portable restrooms. How can business function in such an environment? Does not the price of real estate go down in such a case? How to raise children in such an environment. My question is :Could not families come together and sue the city (Class action lawsuit) for contributing to the delinquency of a child. (I think they might have a case). How to resolve this crazy situation. You would think people in charge of the city, people making decisions lost their minds.
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 months agoAbout prayer in school?
Several centuries ago our founding fathers who were escaping religious persecution from the old world and had a vision of creating a new community in this new land where people would have the freedom to practice religion as they see fit. They made great sacrifices to establish this new colony where they endeavored to put God first in all the aspects of their lives.That means for example prayer before eating or prayer before starting a new day.. So at school it was common practice years ago to start the day with prayer and as not every child was a christian it was decided to have a moment set aside in the beginning of the school day to allow whoever wanted to to start the school day with prayer. But apparently a minority were for some reason offended in some way and convinced the decision makers to abolish that tradition. Ever since the ethics and morals of the students have been going down hill. . More and more students are finding it difficult to find self worth in their lives and to relate in a wholesome way to others and their parents.When prayer was allowed in schools nobody forced the students who did not want to pray to do so and yet was beneficial in many way for the whole. Now that it is not allowed things seemed to be going from bad to worse in schools and society as a whole. So do you think prayer should be allowed once again in schools so that students who choose to practice their religion as they see fit can do so as it was guaranteed by the US constitution?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 months agoAbout legalizing gambling in Texas.?
I heard today on the radio that gambling might become allowed in Texas. Is it a good thing or not? To make it seem simple let us say 20 people pay $1. gambling and 1 person wins $15. and 15 people do not win anything and let us say $5. for the casino. Does that not mean 19 people unhappy for 1 person relatively happy? It seems a bad deal. How do you see it? Some people say it will bring a lot of revenue to Texas rather than the money going to other states but is that clean money? I went to places where there is gambling and basically those places become places where very few people care, and most people only think about what they can get for themselves. So is it a good deal?
4 AnswersGambling3 months agoAbout Lot (from the good book)?
In the good book; in Genesis chapter 19 verse 30 there is a story where the daughters of Lot "lay' with their father and the reason given is for the sake of their lineage.. God has laws and usually such a behavior is against his laws but I believe those laws came later? Anyway. In that case why did such a behavior appear to be not wrong when usually it is wrong?
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 months agoAbout the Corona virus?
In case someone in your family gets the virus and recovers; then in case that person would decide to give some of his blood to any other person in his family who did not get the virus would that make them immune to the virus then?
3 AnswersOther - Diseases3 months agoAbout Yahoo answers?
I clicked on the option to receive answers through my e mail but have not receive anything , even in the spam section) since 2018! Does anyone know why?
3 AnswersSending and Receiving Messages3 months agoAbout "QQ" or "WE CHAT"?
Are there any danger at all to downloading and using any of those for our computer or privacy?
1 AnswerComputer Networking3 months agoabout a laptop hard drive.?
One morning my Toshiba satellite 17.3" seemed to start all right apart from the screen remaining black. would replacing completely the hard drive with a new one solve the problem. And if so first would I need to install windows on it and second would there be a way to transfer all the pictures left in the memory?
8 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks3 months agoAbout gas powered weed trimmers.?
I am thinking of getting a weed trimmer to cut really tough grass like sometimes up to 8 feet high and easily cut ground cover but not so much anything woody. I am hesitating between the stihl FS131r the Maruyama B 30 L turbo and the B30 L. I understand the B 30 l has a bit less torque but I guess on the other hand runs faster? The B30L is cheapest and a bit lighter the other one a bit heavier and costs a bit more. The stihl about the same weight but costs a bit more. In case the B30 l would bee quite strong enough to do the job I woulg get it other wise the other one as it is a bit cheaper than the stihl but in case they might not be quite strong enough I would buy the stihl. Do you have any opinion?
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 year agoAbout an American person who worked in Japan.?
In order to collect the Japanese social security checks this person is asked to provide a document that shows proof of residency ( I think they mean a paper that show that this person lives exactly were she says she live?) Living near Dallas , Texas do you know what document one should get and were to get it?
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years agoAbout inheritance from a foreign country?
In case your parent is American but lived in France and died there. In case you are American and live in the states . You inherit a certain sum from a life insurance and also the sale of property. As you are a resident of Texas do you have to pay taxes twice (on the French side and the American side)?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years agoAbout a motorcycle title?
I live in Texas and recently put a motorcycle for sale . Someone contacted me and asked whether the title was OK. Then asked for the vin # , I supposed to check about the title. I gave it to him and now it is like 3 days I did not hear from that person. Could a dishonest person misuse the # or is there nothing to worry about?
4 AnswersMotorcycles2 years agoAbout climate change.?
Many people say the earth is becoming warmer. I do not know whether the reason is a natural cycle or man made. In case it is man made I hear often the cause being pollution but could the cause be massive deforestation that could cause globally less carbon dioxide being transformed into oxygen?
7 AnswersGlobal Warming2 years agoAbout pollution from smoke or animal p--p.?
I am not denying that when you have a fireplace it emits some smoke when you burn firewood and whether this specific smoke is bad for health I do not know. Also I am not denying that when you walk your dog in the park and it needs to make a #2 deposit in many parks you are supposed to pick up after it supposedly because of pollution problems more then the actual appearance of the deposit! But how do those 2 situations compare to when a gigantic forest fire is burning for weeks at a time or when a huge volcano is erupting. And for the second part how does that compare to like 250 years ago when there were like seas of buffalos across the prairie as far as the eyes could see and when the would migrate it would be from dawn to dusk at a gallop. That means many many. So do not those laws seem a bit futile? Are there not some much larger polluters out there? What do you think?
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture3 years agoAbout a 2016 Husqvarna zero turn mower.?
It is a 54 " mower. This spring it started and worked just fine but lately, from time to time when I would pull the red knob on the right to engage the blades sometimes that would work like it is supposed to and sometimes it would not (no noise, nothing) and recently it just stopped responding altogether. It has a bit over 50 hours.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago