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  • Sponsorship?

    Ok here's the deal I'm looking into being sponsored by a company in particular and I was curious what actually entails this? Or rather what exactly happens and what not? Do they supply the stuff or do I and they just put some stickers on the car? I've never actually thought about it until I was talking to the company lately? Any help? This is probably confusing...; )

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Banshee vs. 450R?


    I am looking into getting an atv and don't know which one I should choose. I pretty much know the ins and outs of both the banshee and the 450r. I've found prices to be very similar I can get many 04-05 450rs for around $3-5k and I can get a banshee for anywhere from 2-4k. I just want to know which one others would go with. I've ridden a few banshees (stock) and loved them. They are absolutely awesome but I am a honda fan but I've never ridden a 450r before though. If I'm worried about the cost to keep it running should I be worried about the 2 stroke (though cheap to fix) being a bike I can ride without having to fix all the time or 4 stroke which I believe to be a little more reliable (but way too expensive to fix when something does go wrong.) Any other in's outs would be appreciated! I'm really I guess more trying to get some personal opinions from guys that have ridden both or own both. Perhaps get a few people who are stubborn like ford vs. chevy! ; )

    4 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago