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  • Do you have to choose godparents when you baptize your baby?

    I'm not Xian, but my fiance is a non-practicing Methodist. He asked that we get our baby baptized after he's born, which I have no problem with. But I'm not too keen on picking a person to make sure our child follows the Christian path.

    So I'm curious: Are you absolutely required to choose a godparent? If so, does it have to be a Christian or can it be anyone my fiance and I deem fit?

    FYI, we'll probably have this done through the Unitarian Universalist church if at all possible. I don't know if that changes things.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does Trading Spouses only ever trade the wives?

    I know they had one episode in their first season where they traded the dads, but why does everyone think that they haven't traded any others, especially when spouse is a gender neutral word?

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago