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What would you do? Someone wants to borrow my car, 3000 miles, $400 bucks - worth it?
Hi all. My dad wants to borrow my car which has 52,000 miles on it. He'd add about 3000 miles with the trip, it's far.
The thing is I also have to go on a similar trip the week after he comes back, which will be ANOTHER 3000 miles.
That's a lot of miles. My dad is totally willing to rent a car for 400 bucks but was just asking if I wanted to lend him mine and he'd give me the money instead. I am really on the fence. I know very little about cars. What would you do?
9 AnswersBuying & Selling2 weeks agoDoes it sound bad to give open availability but say you prefer open/mid shifts to avoid walking home by myself in the dark?
I have a job interview for a retail company tomorrow, but I am commuting from another area of the city and I live next to a bar. I don't really like the idea of walking home from the train alone at midnight... But I don't want them to not hire me because of that. I listed open availability on the application. Thoughts? Thanks...
4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years agoMy upper thighs are very itchy, and there are these weird raised red lines/bumps... what could it be?
I have no idea what's happening to me down there! My upper thighs, right near my buttocks but not actually on any skin that would be covered by undies, are so itchy. There are these strange red raised lines and bumps on them, almost like what you'd see when you have sat on some wrinkled fabric-covered thing for too long and it's left marks, or like what you'd see when you've scratched yourself and the skin is raised as opposed to broken (but a little bigger.) It literally could be from anything, because I recently went on vacation to NYC where I visited family and wore shorts doing all sorts of outdoor activities, and then drove 20 hours home in a car (I do remember at one point feeling itchy in the car in that spot and figured I'd just been sitting in one place for too long on the leather seat.) I was in multiple houses, multiple beds, sat in grass, and have been wearing clothes that have been in a suitcase for two weeks.
Any thoughts? Weird thing is the itch is intermittent, sort of like how a mosquito bite's itch is okay until disturbed -- but when it is irritated it's much itchier than a mosquito's bite. When would I know I should see a doctor? It's only been about two days so far. It's mostly just weirding me out right now.
1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years agoDo I have a concussion? Didn't pass out or get confused but head STILL hurts.?
The other day I had a go kart accident -- I must've been going full speed, though I'm not sure what that speed was, and there was a hairpin turn. I hit the person in front of me harder than I think I've ever hit anything (including a real car accident I had once that bent up the front of my car) -- and my head whipped forward. Actually, my entire body would have left the seat if there wasn't a seat belt that covered my whole torso-- but nothing held my head in place, so forward it went.
My head did not have impact with anything, but my GOSH it was like hitting a wall, and I had a headache for the entire day following. The back of my head and the area behind my forehead hurt, while my neck was oddly okay (at least til the next day, when my neck started to hurt too.)
I wasn't too dizzy afterward (finished the race anyway. Wasn't able to assess until 10 mins later). The sunlight was unpleasant, and made my head hurt more. But I wasn't nauseous. Nor was I confused.
Today, two days later, I still am having frequent headaches, though. I thought it was heat exhaustion but it's in the same area as it was the other day. The area right behind the middle of my forehead. Neck still hurts too, but I'm trying not to be a baby about it. I've been wanting to get a massage for a neckache for ages anyway; I imagine the impact just made that worse.
Is it possible I had a mild concussion, without being dizzy/nauseous? What do I do to fix it?
3 AnswersInjuries7 years agoI don't know what to do about this filling. First high now low -- can I do anything?
Last week I went to the dentist and got 3 cavities filled.
When the anasthesia wore off, one side of my back teeth was touching together in the back, but the other side of my mouth wasn't. I had to go back and have them file it down so that it was comfortable, because it got really annoying.
Now though, my mouth is a lot more comfortable (before it was so annoying) -- BUT, sometimes now when I talk, words with "th" or "s" in them, some air comes out of the back teeth where the bite is and I make this daffy duck sort of noise -____- ... my teeth feel okay but there's this space and it happens in almost all of my conversations. If I say a long "SSsssssssss" , halfway through, the air inevitably slips out of that side of my mouth and it sounds like "SSScghghhg*gurgle*"
Do I need to train my mouth to talk differently now, or can they adjust this filling again to make it higher? Is that bad for your teeth?
I know what the problem is, too -- when they put the blue tape in my mouth to test my bite, I'm lying down. I notice that when I lie down, my jaw rests a little further back than what my natural bite is. I want to go back and have them fix it and sit up for the part where they have me bite on the blue tape. I just don't know if dentists charge extra for this or if it's something I am just supposed to live with.
1 AnswerDental7 years agoStarting "freelance" script editor -- how much should I charge for teleplays?
I have landed myself a gig editing scripts on these teleplays.
The woman I'm working with wants to know how much I want to be paid for my services, which are going to be 1) full grammatical edits, etc 2) formatting major edits, like adding act breaks, etc. -- the material is rough 3) fleshing out scenes, maybe moving things around, and offering creative advice about how things are working in the script and what could be changed to make it better.
I actually have NO IDEA what to charge. I am new to this (graduated with honors in the major but don't have work out there yet) and am going to even be studying a lot myself toward the beginning of this project in order to make sure I'm doing it right for TV as opposed to feature scripts, which I'm more used to. I don't want to charge too little though, since honestly it does take a very long time to edit these things, and I'm not currently working much. It's also not simple work-- the scripts are in rough shape, like I'm going to have to break them all up into their episodic subplots, etc..
How much should I charge, ball-park range? Hourly seems to be a weird concept since someone more experienced might take less time to do it, though I'm willing to put in the work for sure to do it right on my own and am a quick study. Page-wise could work and is certainly easier to calculate but when it comes to money, this is so awkward... I need at least a starting point. I don't know if it makes a difference either that these scripts are a work in progress, so it's not like it's guaranteed for the client either to end up making a ton of cash on them, though the person is pretty experienced in the way of getting these things to work, just hasn't done much original writing (hence I'm there.)
1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities7 years agoDoes it sound like my wisdom tooth is infected?
I went to an oral surgeon recently, and he poked around at the back of my mouth to check on my wisdom tooth since it's been swollen in the mornings when I wake up. Some fluid drained out of it, but he said it was okay-- as in he didn't say it was infected, just "at risk" for infection. I'm getting it out in two weeks (had to wait because I was going out of state) but I'm wondering now how to tell if it has gotten infected. It just is SO swollen in the mornings when I get up-- increasingly so each day. This morning I couldn't really completely close it back there until it went down a bit. The area is also a little strange-colored ever since he drained it (like darker than before where the tooth meets the other one under the gums...) .. The thing is though, it doesn't really *hurt* ... if it does, it's incredibly mild... it just feels like a lot of pressure. It also isn't bleeding much... maybe a teeny amount.
I also have been using PerioRx antibacterial mouthwash since I coincidentally need to be using it for a 2-part gingival cleaning, so my mouth is pretty darn near sterile (I don't even taste anything or have bad breath in the morning at all after using it the night before) ... Can my gums be this swollen back there and still NOT infected?? How would I know if it became so, or if I needed to somehow see an emergency doctor while being out of town?? Thanks.
2 AnswersDental7 years agoDentist drained fluid under wisdom tooth gums, now hurts but can't have surgery for another 3 wks-- bad?
Sorry for the lame question phrasing-- it's a complicated situation and wouldn't fit in one line!
Long story short, I have an impacted wisdom tooth, and it's been swelling for about a month-ish, which I only notice when I wake up in the morning. It goes down a few minutes after I wake up, but never has hurt, just felt like pressure. I went to the doc today and he checked it out and pressed on it, and some fluid drained out from under the gum where it hasn't erupted yet (gross, but I guess that's why it's been swollen all this time...) It isn't infected, so I don't really know WHAT the fluid was. I thought it was blood based on the taste, but I guess it wasn't.
Now, after he did that, it does hurt a bit. Also looks a little bit darker back there. I am scheduled for surgery but can't have it for another three weeks, since I'm going out of town for two weeks after the next one and the doc wants me to be around after it in case of complications (it's risky due to a nerve issue). Is it bad that I am waiting three weeks, and at what point should I consider cancelling the trip to have surgery earlier? I'm concerned now since this tooth has never hurt before, and don't want to risk infection on an already-risky procedure, but I WOULD lose about 300 bucks if I didn't go on this already-paid-for trip. I did mention this to the surgeon, who just responded with it being better to risk waiting that until afterwards versus being out of state and recovering from surgery, but I don't know what qualifies as a tooth "emergency" or anything like that. How do I know if it's infected, or preferrably, how can I avoid infection for the next 3 weeks?
Thanks in advance...
1 AnswerDental7 years agoHelp me plz- guy smoked near me for 3 hrs and I feel so incredibly sick, remedies?
I have no idea what to do to make myself feel better, did not even know you could feel this sick from just being around someone who was smoking. My chest is KILLING me right now, like I feel like my heart (or that general area) is being rubbed with sandpaper. My stomach is cramping up a storm and I can't seem to get a really good breath in. Feel nauseous as well.
I know this sounds super dramatic, but I'm just really out of shape, I guess-- I'm sensitive to a lot of drug effects, more than one cup of coffee turns me into a firework. Is there anything I can do right now to make myself feel better fast? I feel like I am dying -_-
2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoHow to get over fear of public speaking? What causes this?
I have no clue why I respond so "violently" to speaking in public, i.e. speaking in front of a lot of people. The weird part is that I'm not shy. I can talk to anyone. I *am* introverted, but it is fairly easy for me to speak to someone if we have reason to be speaking or common interests. I can also fairly easily speak to strangers-- and my intonation is fine. I actually have a pretty loud-ish and clear voice, and when I'm comfortable with people, I would say I'm actually very good at doing whatever it is. Charades game with a ton of friends? I'll have a blast.
But speaking in front of a class, or in an audition for something (did one once)-- it is so uncomfortable that my hands literally shake. Like my whole body just trembles and it is very noticeable. I look as if I'm going to pass out (feel okay for the most part, except for some horrible feeling of dread)-- what causes this and how could I maybe fix it?
I've even done karaoke before-- I LIKE karaoke, and have been complimented afterwards, because I am loud and can at least carry a tune, but WHAT is with the shaking? I forgot to breathe once, simply reading something I wrote out loud in a writing class. I had to stop in the middle and apologize and confess that I had to breathe before continuing. Then when I'm instead faced with a problem in which there's a crowd of people and no one can get their attention, I am totally fine being that person to get everyone's attention and give some kind of instruction. It makes no sense to me that both of those situations would happen to the same person.
1 AnswerPsychology8 years agoHow does one get a job in a state they don't live in? "Life" stuff I don't know about...?
I know so much random crap but have no clue sometimes when it comes to things that matter lol.
How does one get a job in a state they dont' live in? I live in Florida but I would like to get a publishing job in Boston at a major publishing house. I am still working on getting enough experience credits (so far I just have one internship for a literary journal in progress and am finishing my Bachelors in December) so I don't have enough on my resume to probably GET an editing job up there. I could maybe however get an entry level job up there and work up, or get some more experience here and then apply for something.
But how does that work? Do you usually move up there and then try to find work (how would you afford that? Saving up a TON here and then taking the chance?) or can you apply to a job across the country online... and then fly there for an interview or something? Sorry if it's a stupid question, but I've lived at "home" my whole life and am not sure how these things work.
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years agoCould you tell me truthfully based on this if I should audition for a musical?
My sister says this is good enough for me to audition for a play, which I would like to, but I really have no musical training so I don't know if I trust her to be honest because... well she's my sister and might not want to hurt my feelings. It's just community theatre, but people do have to pay around 10 bucks to go SEE the plays, and I would rather not embarrass myself at the auditions if I do it.
I uploaded it on picosong so you should be able to play it straight here. :/ Can ya let me know?
The timing is admittedly a little off, but I'm worried more about the singing quality. I would like to eventually audition for something but am wondering if I need to be better first (somehow... maybe lessons or something when I have cash for them). Thanks.
2 AnswersTheater & Acting8 years agoCan you get a masters degree in psych if you have a bachelors in creative writing?
I want to work in publishing but am considering that one day I might want to work in psychology instead. What would I need to do to get a masters degree in psych if my undergraduate degree is in Creative Writing?
4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoCan a dream cause a phobia?
I have discovered I'm what the internet world calls "trypophobic" -- which is the fear of clustered holes/lumps, etc. Particularly it's organic-looking lumps that are in holes, for me-- as in the inside of a papaya makes me just completely wiggy. Also weird, it only sometimes happens. I mean it's always disturbing, but if I'm TIRED, it's just awful. I simply googled "trypophobia" the other day to try to figure out what caused it, and on not enough sleep, the pictures that came up practically gave me a panic attack.
I am trying to figure out what causes this. I suspect it's this horrible nightmare I had once-- I had this dream that there was a hole in my leg and that fungus was growing out of it. Like there were mushrooms in this cavity in my leg (weird, I know) -- anyway, I woke up feeling just so absolutely horrified/violated/disgusted that I was bothered for a good day or so. Now every time I see a hole with clusters of anything I flip out. Can one vivid nightmare really cause a chronic phobia?
5 AnswersPsychology8 years agoGolds gym charged 10$ more on a diff day of the month-- what would this usually mean & what to do abt bank?
My sister has overdraft protection from bank of america so that instead of overdrafting it takes from her savings account. She is stuck in a golds gym membership though (wouldn't listen when we told her not to get it, is now learning the hard way :/) , and usually they charge 30 bucks a month on the 24th. This month they charged 40 dollars on the 15th. It usually appears on the bank statement as charged from some place in Texas but this time it just says Golds gym.
Furthermore she had nothing in her savings account (was planning on having the $ in her checking on the 24th when they usually charge the 30$) when they automatically charged it, so I don't know what happens then about the overdraft protection, since it should have defaulted to the savings account. Does that mean she's got to pay an overdraft fee now too from Bank of America, and what would all this do to her credit score? I'm worried & she refuses to take money from me. She's 19 and in a mess. Any advice here would be appreciated.
1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years ago