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Infectious Diseases


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    Why do Trump supporters who barely passed H.S biology give advice on covid/vaccines/masks? Why not also give advice on CANCER?

    Retards like "A Hutch" areretarded, delusional redneck with a god complex who works at Walmart and spend hours a day telling people about covid , vaccines and masks.

    They thinks they know more than ACTUAL infectious disease doctors with 8 years of education and decades of training and experience from a few hours of googleIf he and all the other retarded rednecks with god complexes knew more than actual infectious disease doctors about covid, vaccines and masks they would just become infectious disease MDs and earn over 400,000 while getting 10X the respect than they do now.

    7 Answers1 week ago
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    Why does "A Hutch"  think anyone cares about his opinion on covid when he could not even pass a chem 1 level college class?

    A Hutch is a retarded, delusional redneck with a god complex who works at Walmart and spends hours a day telling people about covid , vaccines and masks. 

    He thinks he knows more than ACTUAL infectious disease doctors with 8 years of education and decades of training and experience from a few hours of google

    If he and all the other retarded rednecks with god complexes knew more than actual infectious disease doctors about covid, vaccines and masks they would just become infectious disease MDs and earn over 400,000 while getting 10X the respect than they do now. 

    7 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Once I am vaccinated with both shots of Pfizer Vaccine is it virtually impossible for me to catch Covid-19 after that ?

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    In early March, Newsweek reported that 4000 people had died of covid after getting sick with covid 3 or more weeks after the 2nd vaccination.

    - Last week, Business Insider said it was 74. 

    - So take your pick.  I'm going with the more legitimate one from Newsweek. 

    In an average year 51 American get struck by lighting.

    Even taking the hooky BI information --

    about 5000 sick with covid since fully vaccinated and 74 deaths. 

    with approximately 200M vaccinated that gives you a .025% chance of getting covid, shich is significantly higher than chance than being hit by lightening. 

    HOWEVER, remember most of these people have only been vaccinated since February 1st so the time line is REALLY SHORT.

    And Pfizer already announced you will need a 3rd vaccination some time between 6-12 months. 

    7 Answers1 week ago
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    What's worse: the Spanish flu pandemic or the COVID-19 pandemic?

    I think, at this point, people are beginning to understand that having a healthy lifestyle will not save you from the virus, but will only strengthen the immune system and lessen the severity of producing symptoms. I'm just wondering if the Spanish flu was much worse than COVID-19 because, back then, there were no medical treatments aside from vaccines. I don't understand why the current pace of vaccinations are very slow, but it couldn't have been bad as compared back then, right? I've following the news ever since the pandemic started, and a lot of antiviral drugs were recommended, like hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, dexamethasone, and then ivermectin. Do you think this pandemic is worse, as compared back then when there were no drugs to treat patients? Again, I'm talking about medical treatments, not vaccines, just to put things into perspective.

    14 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Why is everyone afraid of taking the Covid 19 shot?

    I really don't get it why is most people afraid of getting it. Shouldn't it help you not get Covid 19?

    12 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Shower after tetanus shot?

    My doctor told me not to shower for 2 days afterwards, why? I don't get it.

    5 Answers1 week ago
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    I am sick. Whole household tested positive for covid on rapid test but I tested negative on rapid test?

    We are also waiting on the PCR tests. Is there still a good chance I could test positive on the PCR test if they all tested positive on the rapid test and I’m just as sick as they are?

    6 Answers2 weeks ago
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    With so many people vaccinated why are we still closing places down and starting a 4th surge ?

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    Yes, but the Supreme Court has ruled that churches can open if other places can.

    Why are we still closing places down?  The government officials don't understand illness and contagion, and they just want to look like they are doing something so that they can justify their salaries.

    6 Answers2 weeks ago
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    If Trump supporters know so much more about infectious disease than actual doctors, why not become a infectious disease doctor? ?

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    The vast numbers of clueless, superstitious ppl have helped me understand why a person needs to go to medical school to become a doctor.  The worse are ppl who behave like they have been vaccinated but have not-- they go to superspreader events maskless.  Many ppl are still in denial about COVID bc they are like babies who close their eyes when they see something scary hoping that if they can't see the danger, it isn't there.  Michigan is being overwhelmed by ppl sick with COVID.  The worse thing isn't that the nurses and the doctors in the hospitals are swamped with sick ppl.  The worse thing is that you can go to the hospital with COVID and die there despite being on a ventilator.  I am a Republican who wears a mask and got vaccinated.

    5 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Is it possible that we can still get infected by covid-19 after taking the 2nd dose of covid-19 vaccine?

    I just saw some videos that there are some people got infected on covid-19 after they take their 2nd dose of vaccine.. I'm wondering if this is true...

    10 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Should the sale of cigarettes be put on pause because of the risk of blood clots? About 1700 out of one million smokers have blood clots...?

    vs. J and J vaccine recipients who have 1 blood clot out of one million shots.  

    4 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Is taking vaccine the only option to prevent corona virus? ?

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    No. Vaccine is for a long term prevention. It can't be the only option to prevent covid-19. Awareness may play a vital role here.

    5 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Is it a sign of covid to not smell or taste most foods?

    But can still smell most non-food items, like perfume and deodorant? I’m also coughing and was slightly exposed to it. 

    4 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Is blood clots can be fatal or harmful in our body?

    I just notices that some vaccine where paused due to blood clot like Astrazenaca and J&J..I'm wondering what are the symptoms if you take a vaccine who has a blood clots? 

    4 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Is my dad right about this pandemic?

    He is a physician specializing in infectious diseases. He has worked on the COVID vaccine and says that despite what you hear in the media the current vaccines only offer protection for 1-2 months. He says the virus just keeps mutating and getting stronger, and this pandemic is going to play out very similarly to the Black Death pandemic of the 14th century, and we will have over a billion deaths within the next 5 years. He spends a lot of time alone now, and cries a lot, and I can tell he is really wearing down. I'm so worried about both him and this world.

    26 Answers3 weeks ago