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Hey YA? I'm a guy. and I have to share a bathroom with a girl. Can a girl help me here?

hi all,

Thanks so much for clicking on my question. I highly appreciate your time taken and reading this. Thanks again for your answers.

So, I live with a very very VERY old couple in a quite Big house. Like Peter Parker in Spiderman and house he stayed with his old aunt and uncle. I am not related to them, but they have known me for a long time (I have no relatives/parents. Im orphaned. no adopted parents. nobody. sort of quiet, suffer in silence type average nerd type if you will) and they like me, and know that I'm a very quite decent young man. I go to college. I live upstairs, and they live downstairs. They could hardly come upstairs. (This is a old but big house, overlooking a canyon, its beautiful and always cleanly kept, there is a maid)

Anyways, I just learned that their grand daughter is visiting for sometime, and will be staying upstairs at one of the rooms next to mine. She is closer to my age, and her grandparents trust me. I have seen her and played with her when I was tiny.We haven't seen in 21yrs now.

Here is the question:

There is only one bathroom upstairs. Its big and I always keep it pristine clean. mirrors, floor and all. There is two sinks, and a big shower room etc. Since we are going to share the bathroom, what must/must nots should I do to make thinks less awkward. If you were a girl and has to share a bathroom, what are your likes dislikes?

I figure, now I cant make the quick dart in my towel from the bathroom to my room :/.

Usually when I use my sink, I usually wipe off the water from the counter and the mirrors, I pick up my fallen hair, put the stuffs back where they're supposed to, let the window open. I usually take long showers (i wake up under the shower always, shave and get ready). I keep my deos, lotions and other personal products in my bathroom. :/

Well, Help me? I do not want to embarrass myself or make life any difficult for this young girl who is going to be staying with us. :/ ugh. Now,I have to be self conscious a bit around my home, :/. (and can't have the fridge all for myself :(.

p.s: I put an alarm to wake up at 2.30 a.m. too. and there is a big balcony between our rooms that over looks the canyon is common for us. I usually used to leave the glass doors to this open, but have the drapes drawn. should i close it too? (I sometimes jump off the balcony to the wall and the tree to let me out usually at nights sometimes- should i stop doing that too?)


Eeewww Ima.

Update 2:

Thanks Hippie. that is very nice. yeah! I will become friends with her. Im sort of quiet and spend a lot in my room, i go running in the early mornings along the estate, and I have a blog. She is sort of a big city girl (Chicago).

Update 3:

Thanks Country-City girl, Thank you Cherry Blossom Tree. :)

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Since she is just visiting, I suggest to:

    lower it down on how long you take showers

    change clothes in the bathroom instead of walking "naked" to your room after you shower

    you can keep your deos, lotions, and other products in the cabinet or drawer in the bathroom if you want

    you can leave the balcony doors open if you want

    you can continue cleaning the bathroom after you use it, just don't make a fit if she doesn't "clean" it like you do

    you can continue waking up at that time if you like (it's pretty early anyways)

    get more food for your fridge if you like, sharing is good i'm sure you'll live

    you can jump on your tree if you want

    good luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Keeping your shower and bathroom clean is a big PLUS! And make sure, if you take long showers and take a longer time, you should let the lil lady first if she takes a shorter time in the bathroom.

    Keep your deo, tooth brush and other products in a box in a cabinet. I share a bathroom with my brother and I always keep all my belongings in a box so I can know where they are (: If you wake up at 2 am try to make the alarm quieter and close the door when you go to bed.

    And bring your clothes in the bathroom so after you take a shower and you can get changed in the bathroom so you don't have to run around in only a towel (:

    Hope that helped!

    EDIT: Also, if you want to, you can tell the girl that you sometimes go out the balcony at night to have the party life or whatever you do so she won't think a burglar is breaking in or something like that (:

    Try to make friends with her too so it won't feel so awkward :D hope that helped !

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i've got no longer had to, yet i understand a female who had to circulate relatively badly on a school holiday. We have been on a bus, caught in site visitors, so our head instructor (a guy!) had to circulate together with her on an identical time as she went in a clump of trees by making use of the part of the line...yet then the site visitors abruptly cleared and the bus had to commence going lower back - there strengthen into nowhere to pull over or something so we basically left the girl and the top instructor at the back of!! approximately ten minutes later we observed them working up at the back of the bus...boy her face strengthen into purple!

  • 1 decade ago

    Be yourself, keep the drains unclogged, and the toilet seat down.

    Source(s): I have had several male roomies.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just clean the poop stains off the potty and no man juice on the shower floor then it should be ok

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