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Lv 7

Would you switch to formula at this point - mastitis and clogged duct?

I'm just wondering what others would do. My baby is 8 weeks old and I've been solely breastfeeding since she was born. I've had sore nipples but I'm okay with that, but now I've developed mastitis and also have a clogged duct. I am still breastfeeding but it hurts so bad and I'm afraid to get mastitis again! I'm just wondering if others would plan to switch to formula at this point or just suck it up and keep breastfeeding. I plan to keep breastfeeding, but I"m just curious to see what others think...

5 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I had the same problem with my last baby. When I got the mastitis, I ate 3 cloves of garlic straight and the infection went away two days later. With the clogged ducts, I would massage my breasts in the hot shower every day and massage while pumping and breastfeeding until my breasts were soft again. lt took about a week. For the sore nipples, try using Lanolin nipple cream after every feeding and shower-it works wonders. If you are still having nipple pain, contact your local lactation consultant as you may not be latching on correctly. If you still have nipple pain, try exclusively pumping for a week until your nipples are no longer sore. Don't give up breastfeeding as your baby may not take onto formula very well. I stopped bf at 6 months and my baby would not take formula on very well. It was really hard to wean him. It took about two months before he finally would drink enough formula for me to fully wean.

  • lee
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I think the answer here depends on how determined a mother is to breastfeed. I suffered about 12 bouts of mastitis, some nipple thrush, major cracked nipples and more and continued to feed through it, other women will give up because they don't feel they are getting enough sleep.

    It is great that you plan to keep breastfeeding, you can prepare yourself to try and prevent further bouts of mastitis by ensuring that you get on top of any blocked ducts as soon as you notice them, massage, pumping, different feeding positions whatever it takes to get it out as soon as possible and so on. I found massaging in a warm shower helpful with them. Pumping if bub skips a feed for whatever reason is a great idea too, as consuming as it is as generally at this early stage you have an oversupply of milk and so become full and engorged very easily. Best of luck

  • 10 years ago

    It happened to me a few times. I just powered through it. Took a lot of warm baths and keep Tylenol on hand.

    For me I figured I went through more than this when I was pregnant and in the delivery. So if I could do that for 9 months I could handle some pain from mastitis.

  • 10 years ago

    I nursed 3 kids and made it through a few clogged ducts but thankfully only one round of full-blown mastitis. Hang in there! The early weeks are the hardest, and it gets much easier.

  • Sabine
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    If you stop breastfeeding, it will get worse. So keep feeding, also massage it in the shower and express some milk, then when you get out you can cool it down- eg. With a chilled cabbage leaf, or a nappy soaked in cold water. If this doesn't work, go to the doctor and you can get antibiotics.

    It's worth the effort to keep feeding, perhaps contact a lactation consultant to talk it through with.

    Best of luck!!!

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