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Lost my wedding ring... What do I do?

I'm pregnant with our second child, and, honestly, it's making me stupid. I lose everything, forget what I'm saying, etc. Usually, I take my wedding ring (it's welded together) off when I cook dinner/wash dishes because I don't want soap/raw meat on it. About a month ago, I took the ring off and haven't seen it since. We've looked and looked... I feel awful.

Here's the thing: If I've lost it, I'd like to replace it at some point. Being pregnant without a ring gets me some weird looks from older folks, and I could do without that. How do I bring up replacing it with something inexpensive? DH tends to be a bit cautious with spending money. We're not in a position to replace the original. We've had some marriage problems over the past couple years. Clearly, losing it in the first place is my fault and I'm not trying to get him to spend on something that we can't really afford.

Do I just pick out something cheap out and get it myself? (Cheap being a $60 knock-off.) Is it wrong to want to replace it sometime in the distant future?


We don't have an insurance policy on it. The whole set was worth less than $1,000 and we've never owned a house/had home owner's insurance.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Sometimes when you search for certain things, you never really find it because you're SO worried about it being lost that you're brain starts to block everything else.

    If you can't find it, don't worry. Maybe in the future you'll find it, but don't buy something expensive. If you're getting those dirty looks for just being pregnant without a ring and you feel uncomfortable, then yeah, go ahead and get one with an affordable price. When we're pregnant we get very worried about everything. Maybe your ring is just there laying in some corner in your kitchen or under the couch.

    And if it's completely lost, remember that a ring is just a ring, expensive or not a ring is just something material. What is really important is that you have a lovely family, husband. The rest really shouldn't matter :)

    Source(s): I've also lost my ring before lol
  • lynch
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I Lost My Wedding Ring

  • CDT
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Not at all wrong to want to replace it.

    You're not the first woman (or person -- men do too) to lose their wedding ring and you certainly won't be the last. Realistically, rings can't stay on 24/7. People gain and lose weight...finger swell...detailed rings have to be taken off during "dirty tasks" so they, themselves don't get dirty. Losing a ring is not at all unheard of.

    Obviously the sentimental value won't be there, but that's just how it is. I would go for the knock-off when you've budgeted a little money and then discuss an anniversary ring with your husband in the farther distant future (10, 25).

  • 9 years ago

    Yeah, I would just get something simple and inexpensive and wear it until you find a new one. No need to make a big deal of it, it's just like you're just buying yourself a new shirt.

    I had to get a new (cheap) ring when I was pregnant because my fingers were swollen and I needed a much bigger ring! I just got a simple one at Walmart. You can get gold-plated so it doesn't leave green marks on your skin. Mine was like $29 I think.

    Just make sure you tell your hubby that it's a place-holder ring till you find your old one. I still wear my cheap ring if I'm going to the beach or doing something where I don't want to lose my real one.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Lost my wedding ring... What do I do?

    I'm pregnant with our second child, and, honestly, it's making me stupid. I lose everything, forget what I'm saying, etc. Usually, I take my wedding ring (it's welded together) off when I cook dinner/wash dishes because I don't want soap/raw meat on it. About a month ago, I took...

    Source(s): lost wedding ring do:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Dont make a big deal out of this. For many men the ring is really not as important to them as it is to women. I lost mine while surfing and yes my wife was on the beach with me at the time. I tried to find it with a mask but to no avail.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Just go to Wal-Mart or some place for now and get a cheap one until you can afford a better one to replace the old one or until the new one turns up. Also, if you don;t want to lose the ring then put it on a necklace around your neck. You won;t lose or misplace it that way.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You should have renters insurance. Fit that into the budget ASAP.

    I am a married woman, and mother. I never wear a ring. ( yes, I have them)

    If you knew how little people think about the stuff we make ourselves worry about you'd never worry again.

    Just live life. Get a new ring when you are dne breast feeding.

  • Bobby
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Check insurance policy, if you have one, home owners, renters the ring is covered by most policies.

    Source(s): Lost ring sometime ago, and that's I know.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    maybe hummmmm FIND IT

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