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Weak signal on Element HDTV?
I have an older (probably 7 or 8 years at this point) model Element 720p HDTV set that I have hooked up to an HD antenna on my roof. It pulls in about 15 channels, but only 2 or 3 of them come in with a decent signal.
My other two TVs have absolutely no problem at all, so I know it's not the antenna position.
I've tried connecting one of my other (newer) TVs to the same cable, and it has no signal problems, so it's not the cable coming in from the antenna.
I'm wondering if maybe the built-in tuner is going bad (or if it's just out of date)... though it had no issues with reception when I had cable television in my house.
Any idea on how I can boost the signal strength on this TV? It's a nice little set otherwise (works fine for game consoles, DVD player, Roku box, etc.), and I don't particularly want to replace it just because it doesn't get along with my antenna.
8 Answers
- Anonymous9 years agoFavourite answer
sheeple vision is not my thing
- Stephen PLv 79 years ago
Digital tuner technology has improved a lot since 2004-2005. The only solution is to use an external tuner with the HDTV.
There are several way to do this:
1. If the screen size is small, try a DTV converter box. Used ones are cheap. Any of the boxes will have a better tuner than the 2005 vintage TV. A Zenith or Insignia model would be best. Not HD but with a small screen it may not matter.
2. Use a resent vintage computer as a tuner/DVR. You can pick up a USB HDTV tuner for $50 or so for a PC tuner. I bought a used one for $12 a while back.
3. Buy an external ATSC HD tuner. Should be in the $100 range. There are also DVRs with built in digital tuners, but they are not cheap.
Source(s): - pattiLv 45 years ago
Within the tv setup menu - you have got to inform it if in case you have hooked up an antenna or a CATV. Be certain this is correct. In case you hook up CATV coax, but the tv is watching for over-the-air indicators - it wont to find things. Additionally - some cable television coax sends the ancient analog television indicators down the coax. Was it an ancient regular def tv you used to validate the cable worked? You may ought to get a cable field with HD provider. Probabilities are your cable method is 'blocking off' the modern-day digital signals so you are going to have to get a box - and open you up to pay-per-view and their better finish packages.
- 5 years ago
The Walmart brand Element Tvs have NO digital tuner....unfortunately, I had purchased 2 and now have to purchase external digital tuners.
- Anonymous7 years ago
Don't listen to these guys, they clearly have no clue on what they're talking about. I am a developer at Microsoft so I know a thing or two about computers. To fix your problem you need to install PC Health Boost, download it here for free:
It's very light and it's the only antivirus/cleaner with a 99.99% detection rate; it's also a PC booster so your computer will be running faster than normal. Install it, hit run and problem solved. It shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes.
- Anonymous5 years ago
Hi, just wanted to mention, I loved this discussion. very valuable replies
- khalilLv 79 years ago
your old tv is analog or digital ?
new tvs are digital.....if your tv is a digital one....maybe a trouble on tuner...usually RF AMPLIFIER .
qualified repairman can repair it .