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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesThailandChiang Rai · 2 years ago

Is it bad to give up on someone who’s too shy?

theres this guy who supposedly likes me but he only speaks to me “sometimes” I see him prepping up himself to talk to me but it never happens.. it does feel good to have someone like you but it sucks still remaining single and not ever getting to know that person personally ..hoping that one day things will change when they disappoint you everytime.. idk I thought I could wait and stick it out but my sexual frustration is making me very moody and angry..I’m so sick of just being “the hot girl he likes tells everyone about but he procrastinate to ever make any I’m just done I’m gonna start ignoring him and treating him like the loser that he really this bad?

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    that's horrible cuz you're Miss Perfect right

  • Trish
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    If you stick in there you may have to do all the talking. It may take years before he comes out of his shell.

  • 2 years ago

    You could just go to him. No offense but you clearly don't understand how shy ppl work. The more pressure we feel to break out of our shell the more we withdraw. You can't get all huffy and impatient we open when we're ready to open up it takes time. But he's the kind of shy that it may not go anywhere because he's not even making the first move or putting in effort towards trying to talk to you and you're not willing to go to him so if you don't wanna go to him and he's not going to you then maybe you should move on.

  • 2 years ago

    I am a very shy guy and I feel that I will never make the move. If I ever find a girl I will like I hope she says she loves me so I can have the courage need to also confess immediatly.

  • 2 years ago

    If you feel like there’s no hope then yeah

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    It's a pretty petulant move when all you'd actually have to do is start a conversation with him.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Girls like confident guys.They like guys who arent afraid to come make a move on a girl. Girls dont like guys who are shy,nervous,wimpy,overly nice and even too nice.They are considered deal breakers. The only girls who would like those guys are girls just llike them.They are each others type.

    You can chose a guy for any reason you want.You can reject a guy for whatever reasons. There's no anti discrimination laws in dating. If you dont want a guy then just reject them.If a guy isnt manly enough for you it means he isnt your type.Its okay.You are free to make that choice.Its your right to. He's not the right guy for you and you arent the right girl for him.Its your move.

  • 2 years ago

    Just ask him for coffee or lunch. You won’t know if hes truly right or wrong for you until you try!

  • .
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    How willing are you to wait...if you truly like him maybe make the first move and see how he responds.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Some people are just not meant to be together and that's a fact. The sooner you learn this the better off you'll be. The ones you love... you keepsake them in your heart and remember them and the good times.

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