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Anonymous asked in TravelItalyOther - Italy · 12 months ago

Are Italians white ?

They look Arab to me.

49 Answers

  • 12 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Italians are Caucasians. That said, they have traces of Arabian and North African blood, especially in the Sicilian population.

  • 12 months ago

    Seriously get over this race thing. There are already people like trump escalating these things. Just get over it its 2020.

  • 12 months ago


  • Italians are Mediterranean whites. They belong to the Caucasian race. In the Caucasian race, there is the Alpine, Nordic , Mediterranean. Ethiopians, Berbers, Armenians are also white. Some people are a mixture of races, like the Aborigines of Australia. Race is a complex study, and one aspect is not what makes ones a particular race.Skin color  and hair types are the most defining factors.

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago

    Modern Italians of today are dominantly Arab in genetics and they were conquered by Arabs and the whites of Italy fled up north into hiding, but it was done under a covert pact deal trying to make it seem that they are on everybody's side.

  • 12 months ago

    Nah they are from the planet 54683899. It is all a trick, the US government is tricking us into thinking that italians are humans, but they are actually reptilians.

  • 12 months ago

    Most are Caucasian, then there’s some with a slight darker complexion.

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago

    if  you  don't  like  someone's  color … stay  in  lockdown.

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago

    White does not mean only Nordic types.

    Italians are Mediterranean whites. 

    IN fact, the middle eastern countries and North African countries are also white.

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago

    You need glasses then, Mr Troll. Or to be old enough or smart enough to get a job and travel out of Armpit, Alabama.

    Guess what? American TV/film  Italians are not real Italians. For that matter all Frenchmen don't wear berets,  only 10% of Irish people have red  hair, Germans aren't all blond giants.

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