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Anonymous asked in TravelItalyOther - Italy · 7 months ago

Do you think Italy is a dirty country?

I'm Italian and I think so. Especially for southern Italy, Rome, Milan suburbs and other big cities.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 months ago

    Africans and Afghans are pouring in

  • miffy
    Lv 5
    5 months ago

    Yes,compared to Germany at least.

    Many ,not all,Italians don't clear up after themselves on picnics and are happy to discard litter.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    not my thoughts at all .. the landscape and people are  lovely  warm  . i conclude towns have  government and money issues related to sanitation ... they are not fulfilling their obligations of services

    .. but ever person has their own thoughts

    then there is also  observations and documentations

    May 2017  Residents  of ROME posted  streets filled with garbage  as well as parks and other parts  of the country  cities having trash issues

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    I think wherever there is a high concentration of tourists it gets dirty. Rome as an example is one of the most visited cities in Italy, and yes it is filthy. I lived on the Ligurian coast for years and saw a big difference between Winter and Summer. When we had cruise liners docking at the port the city was filthy, however in Winter it was more pleasant. Yes, you still have the odd *** that decided to throw trash carefree. Unwillingly I also have to admit that the areas where there were South Americans also were very filthy.

  • 5 months ago

    As an American living here, I can honestly say Italians are slobs and litterbugs.   I live on the Ligurian coast,  such naturally beauty to make you cry........and the roads are just  littered with trash. Cigarette butts all over........ they are all still heavy smokers, and just throw the butts everywhere . 

    I often take the train over to Monte Carlo.....and the difference is like night and you cross over from Ventimilgia, into Menton. 

    Ventimilgia is dirty,   trash strewn, and  everything covered in Graffiti. 

    as you cross over into Menton,  the border town........there's no see nicely tended gardens,   trash receptacles that are not overflowing with decaying trash........ no litter on the ground...........and well maintained houses and yards.   

    In Ventimilgia,  nothing looks like it's seen a fresh coat of paint since before the war. 

    Store awnings are so dirty and grime covered, you can't even read the name of the store anymore. 

    Dogs piss and sh*t everywhere, and no one cleans up after their dog. 

    In Monte Carlo, if your dog craps on the sidewalk,  you either clean it up, or a policeman would be on you in seconds to write the fine. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    Not Northern Italy, no.    Southern Italy is a part of North Africa and is like you would expect.

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    Florence (Firenze) is one of the cleanest cities I've ever been to. Actually, that can be said for all of Tuscany (Toscana). 

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 months ago

    You are Italian you know better. I've been there only for 15 days 

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