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Anonymous asked in TravelOther - Destinations · 2 months ago

What US states do you regard best for living (including living standard)?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago
    Favourite answer

     hawaii. beautiful landscape. beaches, great for off grid, great for sustainable living, etc.

    i was planning to make the move to hawaii this summer but since the requirement of taking the covid test before flying to america was put in place since biden came into office, i dont know what to do now. 

    i'm from atlanta and have lived in europe for several years. i  wanna leave this place so badly but there are nanobots in those covid tests. i saw it for myself on video. they tampered with the test just like they will do with the microchipped vaccines. 

    that shiit will go into your brain. i don't trust this plandemic and i dont wanna take the test just to come to america. i'm in a huge dilemma

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    "Best" is a very vague word. What do you consider best? You can Google lists of the cities that are rated as the healthiest (I think Colorado is number 1), or "best" on a set of criteria that includes the quality of the local zoo. But that doesn't mean that it's best for you. I have no desire to drive in snow and ice, for example, so I choose to live in the South. The cost of living is also lower here. Your standard of living depends on what job you can do, and how you want to live. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Texas as it’s full of steers and queers 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Colorado, Washington (state) and Minnesota

  • 2 months ago

    For the sake of diversity, I’ll throw Michigan’s hat into the ring.

    -the Great Lakes are truly amazing. Lake Michigan is a natural wonder with its sunsets, sandy beaches, and quaint beach towns. Plenty of opportunities for dune hiking, swimming, scuba diving, fishing, kayaking, or just being a beach bum.

    -In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, there’s a ton of hunting (if that’s your thing), hiking, geologic features, and waterfalls. Google Pictured Rocks or Porcupine Mountains. The UP gets lots of snow, so lots of winter sports options as well.

    -Tons of inland lakes (est. 11,000 or so) and rivers that you can enjoy as well.

    Pretty cheap to live here too! The best areas to look in are around the Grand Rapids area, in my opinion.

    Detroit is always amazing too.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    California and New York.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    None of them. I'd sooner live in Vietnam.

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