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Why isn't Donald Trump sending his "thoughts and prayers " to the victims of the Colorado shooting?

Are u shocked he has said nothing?

74 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    He doesn’t think or pray

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Because he doesn't care

  • zipper
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    How do you know he has not done just that?  Besides you can thank OBAMA for what happened; He refused to take action on the resigning activation of that Assault Weapon Band, because of the advice of the VP JOE BIDEN!  You people need to blame the right jerks that let this fool have that assault weapon!

  • 1 month ago

    Trump is irrelavant, he never had compassion for victims when he was in charge why would he care now.  Should he send them all a roll of paper towels maybe?  Get over it, we dont care what he does we only care to hear when he will be incarcerated for his crimes against humanity.

  • Mark J
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    thoughts and prayers is such a meaningless term. how many spouting it on TV or media actually mean it they they will give some thoughts and prayers to the diurectly affected.

    How often is it an empty gesture

    Persoanlly Im not that religious so its a meaning less term (the porayers bit), but I recognise that many are religious and it may acdtually mean a lot to them. but hopw many in the media are religious and do mean it as opposed to a perceived mandatory soundbite, used so sweepinbgly that its lost nearly all meaning.

    If anything shows this up most poignantly is when its the first statement out of a commentator or politicians mouth BEFORE they start launching into a political diatribe of blame. Its the sentance thats become the key to unlocking ther vitriol to come. It has become the symbol of fake concern, heckj it may alwasy have been fake concern but in the modern era its just meaningless verbiage

  • 1 month ago

    He has been silenced by the FAKE NEWS media and BIG TECH. His thoughts and prayers come via the postal service now. SAD!

  • 1 month ago

    ?; Do you know Trump is no longer President?

  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    How do you know what his thoughts are? This is typical of people who have become blinded by hate. They see everything just how they want to see it. No matter how stupid and unfounded it is. I bet if he did come out and say something you would see it in a negative light. Is using the deaths of the victims to make Trump look bad better than him not responding publicly? You really should be ashamed of yourself!

  • 1 month ago

    He has been censored and blacklisted from the media. How do you propose he send these notions when he has been stripped of his right to free speech?

  • 1 month ago

    We know you have wet dreams about him. But he's happily married. You should move on. Maybe fantasize about Joe.

  • 1 month ago

    you're one of the ones that demanded he be banned from social media and called for boycotts against any outlet that "gave him a platform for his hate"...... aren't you?

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