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what are your thoughts on SmashBurger new Scorchin’ Hot Crispy Chicken burger? Is it delicious?
how healthy is it? Have u tried it?
Polls & Surveys1 week agowhat are your thoughts on Ted Cruz once again saying that he won't wear a face mask anymore in the US capitol and Senate floor?
Should he be barred from the capitol and Senate floor forever?
he claims he's vaccinated
6 AnswersPolitics2 weeks agowhat did Jesus Christ do to quench his followers thirst after he multiplied the fish and loaves of bread? What did everyone drink?
after all the fish and bread eating , wasn't everyone thirsty?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 weeks agoIs the 2017 movie Cartels with Steven Seagal based on a true story?
Could it happen?
2 AnswersMovies3 weeks agoWhat does a Krabby Patty taste like in real life? Have you ever eaten one? ?
Is it delicious with the secret formula?
What's the recipe?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 weeks agoWhat are your thoughts on Spring Break getting out of control this year despite the warnings of a 2nd wave of coronavirus?
How are you planning to stay safe this spring break and Easter?
3 AnswersPolitics1 month agoWhat are your thoughts on the sudden sad death of actor Houston Tumlin by suicide at only 28?
Why did he kill himself?
Will he be missed?
1 AnswerCelebrities1 month agoIs Republican senator John Kennedy of Lousiana an idiot for arguing against gun control after Colorado shooting?
What is wrong with him? Do we need idiot control?
7 AnswersPolitics1 month agoWhy did North Korea fire a missile? Is this a sign of war?
What are they trying to tell us?
32 AnswersPolitics1 month agoWhat are your thoughts on Sidney Powell back tracking on her statement that the election was a fraud? Why the change?
Is she facing jail time? Is she scared?
8 AnswersPolitics1 month agoWhy isn't Donald Trump sending his "thoughts and prayers " to the victims of the Colorado shooting?
Are u shocked he has said nothing?
74 AnswersPolitics1 month agoWhat are your thoughts on Marco Rubios new amendment to change House PPP extension?
Is it a good idea? Will it work?
Politics1 month agoWhat are your thoughts on Ted Cruz blaming democrats for the Colorado shooting? ?
He says Democrats just wanna take away people's rights to bear arms.
Why doesn't he propose a solution then?
37 AnswersPolitics1 month agoWhat does Colossal squid meat taste like? Where can I buy some?
What about giant squid?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 months agoDo lesbian women like shy quiet women or do they prefer women who are talkative?
What is your take?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 year agoWould the great Auk bird make a great pet if it wasnt extinct? Could the Great Auk be brought back from extinction?
Was the Auk a domesticated gentle creature
1 AnswerBirds1 year agoWould a stingray make a good pet? How do you care for it?
Can they be domesticated?
Where can I buy the food for them? Vet bills?
1 AnswerFish1 year agoWould it be possible to ride ocean waves on top of a colossal squid or giant squid?
Would it be dangerous?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 year agoWhat would happen if the Ice Age cave hyenas were alive today? Would we see them in a zoo or as pets?
Would they be hunted? Be taught tricks?
Can they be cloned back?
Ice age spotted hyena
2 AnswersZoology1 year agoWhat would singer Aaliyah say about Donald Trump and things like coronavirus and border wall IF she was alive today?
Was she republican?
2 AnswersCelebrities1 year ago