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What would happen if the Ice Age cave hyenas were alive today? Would we see them in a zoo or as pets?

Would they be hunted? Be taught tricks?

Can they be cloned back?

Ice age spotted hyena

2 Answers

  • 1 year ago
    Favourite answer

    It’s unlikely they would even survive if we did clone them. There are no longer natural habitats or plentiful food sources with no human interference for them today. There’s a reason they died out to extinction and maybe it was a species wide genetic defect or illness that wound just be there in any clones. Nobody really knows. Same argument when they talk of cloning dinosaurs or wooly mammoths etc. As for could they clone it the answer is probably yes if they had an intact dna sample to clone from. Animal clones have been going on for years now.

  • KennyB
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Zoos:  Yes

    Pets:  No

    Hunted:  Probably illegally

    Tricks:  Possibly

    Cloned back:  No

    All answers are in my humble opinion

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