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what are your thoughts on Ted Cruz once again saying that he won't wear a face mask anymore in the US capitol and Senate floor?
Should he be barred from the capitol and Senate floor forever?
he claims he's vaccinated
6 Answers
- ?Lv 72 weeks ago
like he said, he's been vaccinated and so has everybody in Congress. why keep wearing masks if the vaccine is effective? either we all believe that, or we don't. and the left knows if their example is to stop wearing the masks, then people will use that as an excuse not to wear theirs anymore either.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Lol by law members of congress can't be barred from their duties on the congressional floor.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Ted is on the move, first to Cancun during devasting Texas storm, then off to the border, in the weeds and he spotted cartel rascals, thank goodness he got out alive
- Dru TodLv 62 weeks ago
Vaccines don’t prevent transmission, just the vaccinated person falling ill, so that sounds very Ted Cruz.