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Is Republican senator John Kennedy of Lousiana an idiot for arguing against gun control after Colorado shooting?
What is wrong with him? Do we need idiot control?
7 Answers
- Anonymous1 month agoFavourite answer
He was “that” long before Colorado murders.
- ?Lv 61 month ago
When will Democrats learn that guns are more important than people. If they are outside the womb you can kill them. Just give them your thoughts and prayers. Nothing more you can do. The Republican response to any gun shooting.
- Staap ItLv 71 month ago
No he is not an idiot, he IS defending our Constitution. Do you know what they tell people about how to act if caught in a mass shooting ? They say you should Run, Hide, Lock the door and remain quiet. That is NOT how an American acts. We have always wished to fight back. If you observed, many of these deranged shooters stopped after a few were shot be a legally armed citizen. Can anyone even imagine how terrifying it would be to be as a sheep at the slaughter ? No defense sure to die ?
I surmise you are a woman Jessica. Think what would go through your mind if you man told you and his kids he is anti gun, so if he should ever defend your lives you should not count on him cause he is gonna "run, hide, and lock the door".
In addition, to observe how many thousand women have been attacked beaten, raped, and brutally killed I bought MY Girlfriend 3 different firearms so she has a choice for each way she dresses. I taught her to be safe with them and to shoot very well. Isn't that the least I could do so I can be assured for a lousy $300 pistol in her pocket she may survive a violent attack. My wish is that for her things may turn out differently.
I wish the same for you and all women. See, as they say, " a violent crime happens in only seconds, while the cops are only minutes away ".
Senator Kennedy is protecting YOUR right to survive. I applaud the man, we need more like him with common sense in our government.
Please Jessica read the OTHER side of this argument you do not hear.
Yes, this IS an NRA site called "The Armed Citizen". It documents the terrible day to day encounters I hope you never know. Up to date as of March 22nd.
Firearms ARE used legally to defend a family, or people most survive.
The NRA has a GREAT Program for women called " Refuse to be a Victim ", a GREAT thing for women geared for you all. Nobody enjoys the thought, but fact is you could find yourself with no other choice if you wish to see tomorrow.
OH, and shooting is allot of fun !
- Anonymous1 month ago
No he's not an idiot like you.
- HopefulLv 61 month ago
Nope you do not take the rights away of many for the acts of a few, enforce the laws in place now.
- heleneLv 71 month ago
He's protecting MY rights, and I don't even live in Louisiana.
We need 99 more like him.
My senators are both jackwagons.