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Was Covid-19 In The Masks All Along?
States that removed the mask mandates have seen a HUGE dip in cases! Explain that, libs!
5 Answers
- Anonymous4 weeks agoFavourite answer
That's not true. Numbers have plateaued or gone up everywhere. No place has seen declines, let alone significant declines. Numbers do seem to be going up less in some Southern states which have been more resistant to masking and quicker to drop mandates. It's not clear why. One explanation might be that the warmer weather there has made it easier for people to be outdoors, thus reducing risks of transmission. In my state of New York, we're expecting possible snow tomorrow, meaning that people can't be outside that much. In Florida it's nicer and makes things like outdoor dining more possible.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
A dip in cases, if any, is actually attributed to the vaccine being administered.
By how much is to be seen as spring breakers often go to Florida or Texas,
which is no doubt going to have an effect. I'm in one of those states and still
hear ambulances / EMS vehicles at all hours. It might not always be Covid,
however often enough for me to know the pandemic is unfortunately still here.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
I’m not buying your pretend ignorance. Jeez you must be so fckng bored