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Why do democrats think putting people out of work helps the economy by putting unfair taxes on corporations ?
Jobs went up because of corporate tax cuts
11 Answers
- zman492Lv 74 weeks ago
Why do you consider 28% of profits to be unfair? If the corporate tax rate was raised to 28% it would still be lower than ir has been from around 1940 until the Trump tax cut.
Why do you think a higher corporate tax rate would put people out of work? Corporations pay taxes on profits. If a corporation pays a pays a dollar more in salaries it reduces profits by a dollar less te amount it would pay in taxes on that profit. At a 20% corporate tax rate it would cost the company 80 cents in profits. At a 30% corporate tax rate it would cost the company 70 cents in profits.
Why do you think jobs went up because of corporate tax cuts? The number of jobs increased significantly under the Clinton and Obama administrations. The number of jobs decreased significantly under the Trump administration with lower corporate tax rates.
Source(s): - Anonymous4 weeks ago
That is not the point.
Democrats want Everyone to be dependent on the Government.
The socialists realize that equality means everyone being the same level of POOR. [Politicians are exempt.}
It is impossible for everyone to be equally Rich.
You have noted that while the Government has Closed business, the Government Legislatures, and employees Have NOT taken pay cuts.
The former president was a dollar a year man, donating back his salary to the government, his business' donated to the Government their profits, during his tenure.
If the DNC can ruin the economy during the previous administration, then when they "save the economy" it is all improvement, Right!
- hungryjoeLv 64 weeks ago
Squeeze the bastards till the pips squeak*
They've been living off the fat of the land for too long
Time they gave some back
And nobody will lose a job that automation wasn't going to take from them anyway!
Source(s): * With apologies to Dennis Healy (1974) - 4 weeks ago
Everyone should pay the same percentage as the lowest paid worker fair taxes means flat rate percentage
- ?Lv 74 weeks ago
They aren't trying to help the economy. They are trying to break the middle class because that is what Marxists do. The property of the middle class is what a Marxist wants to take by force if necessary.
Marx exploited people with class envy. If you work for the middle class, Marx considers you a slave of mental degradation.
- ArtemiscLv 74 weeks ago
In the 1970s, corporations paid 34% of the federal tax base. Now they pay about 13%. Many are experiencing the largest profit margins of any companies in history. They can pay a bit more in taxes.
- tribeca_belleLv 74 weeks ago
What unfair taxes? There is nothing unfair about a 28% corporate tax rate.