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[Ramadan] a good journey together?

Since Yahoo Answers is going to shut down soon, I want to say that it has been a good journey together on the Ramadan Section here; all the users that I came across during the stay, it has been a pleasure honestly (:

Are you all ready for Ramadan? insha-Allah?


301 False


@jamal and fazim

I remember both of you, may Allah make us meet in jannah inshaAllah...

You both are welcome to write to me on my email, given in my profile, would be happy to stay in touch.

Fazim, I do want to get in touch with some of the old users but do not know how? Can you drop by my email?


301 False

Update 2:



long time man, how you doing?

nah, still living a single sad life :p

drop by my email:

8 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    I would agree with that sentiment. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    The Holy month of Ramadan is the straight path that Allah pave the way for us to journey on ,for the whole month , to become nearness to HIM. Every step that we set forward to serve the course of Allah in this Month, would surely be rewarded by HIM abundantly without limit , whether awake or asleep .  Hope all of us who are the true believers and performing goodness, would be successful in our journey toward Allah and being accepted by HIM ,who is the Lord of all the worlds. May GOD let all of us be present ourselves in the Holy night of Al Qadr, which is better than a thousand months. Inshaallah. Hope to see you all soon , to serve the Holy course of Allah, in which ever way HE pleased.

  • 2 weeks ago

    hello arsalan how r u? this is ibrahim the apostate btw. did u end up marrying a gori?

  • Saad M
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    In the way of God for more piety.

  • Kin
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Do you genuinely mean all of that of all the users you met and actually exchanged messages with?

  • 3 weeks ago

    I love you all 

    Been such a long azz time and had to make a new account after i saw answers is closing but any old users may allah always keep you all happy and safe 

    Gona miss all the memories ❤️

  • 3 weeks ago

    Salaam bro you too. Take care fam. 

  • 3 weeks ago

    Salaam Walaikum, I left shortly after the old users left like Ducky, Ankaboot Lebanese spirit. Never really went to another board but I remember the good times on here. Miss the old users and the old format (green layout) this site used to be in. May Allah (SWT) Keep you all safe, protected and the best of Imaan. May we all meet again in Jannah Inshallah!

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