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If I bought $1400 on lottery odds of winning ?
If I bought power ball or mega millions only 700 tickets. Rather buy state tickets which would be 1400 tickets. Sure the money is less but I am also competing only to the people in the state.
12 Answers
- Anonymous1 week ago
You should donate all of it to Trump, because that's what he want you to do.
- Anonymous1 week ago
The odds of winning big are so tiny it barely makes a difference if you spend a huge money on tickets. You will lose a lot of money, don't do it.
- ?Lv 62 weeks ago
maybe win $700 if your lucky but it will cost you $1,400 . you work out the odds , 300 million to 1 , or 25 million to 1 in the state powerball .. odds of you winning back 1/2 of your outlay is lucky ..
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
How many people live in your state. Without knowing how many total tickets were bought you can not calculate what your odds are.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Odds are great that you will wind up homeless from your gambling
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
You pose no actual question or even convey a coherent thought.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
about 13 million to 1.