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I accidentally became the president of Russia, what do I do?

4 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    Try nuking Ohio

  • 2 weeks ago

    First, you learn what attacks are planned against Russia. Latest is worldwide disinformation about the Sputnik V COVID vaccine to REDUCE RUSSIA'S INFLUENCE.  Then you look at how a coup in Ukraine by fascists, became a non-coup because USA does not deal with coup'ed countries... another attempt on Russia's border to REDUCE RUSSIA'S INFLUENCE. 

    Then you be sure the Nordstream pipeline stays on course. The West would love to end it to REDUCE RUSSIA'S INFLUENCE. 

    After that, work to bring Russia's food security initiative to fruition. It is to produce domestically all essential good. We grow tomatoes and cucumbers in hothouse year round. In the middle of ice covered fields... gigantic greenhouses.  But we need 85 to 100% or higher grain, meat, and vegetable production. We are there on many commodities, milk, eggs, cheese, etc (may not be exact on these EXAMPLES), but I believe we are lacking on BEEF production. We do have great fields of alfalfa for hay.

    That's a start... good luck!

  • 2 weeks ago

    Run really fast before Putin finds out, he is not rumoured to have much of a sense of humour, unless you count a dry chuckle as they die painfully.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Poison your underwear now and save Putin the trouble.

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