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why can't democrats realize there is no such thing as islamophobia as it is not an illogical fear to fear a religion that wants you killed?
4 Answers
- .Lv 62 weeks ago
Generally speaking, the term “phobic” carries some negative connotations linked to mental illness. Because leftists cannot successfully defend their beliefs in an open forum, they must resort to demonizing the opposition.
Which is precisely why leftists label each and every opponent to whatever they believe in as “whatever-phobic.” They think that if they just call the other side crazy or sick or evil, that’s enough to win the debate.
It works only on the feeble minded and those who are already committed to leftist ideology.
Regarding Islam, I personally don’t fear any ideas or thoughts. However, I do believe that some fundamentalist followers of Islam are capable of doing evil things. That’s not a phobia, that would be reasonable and logical.
- AnonymousLv 62 weeks ago
Because the only argument they can possibly win is an ad-hominim attack on someone else, calling them "Islamophobic". If they shift the debate away from Islam itself, and towards the people warning about the dangerous of Islam, then the people warning about Islam are put on the defensive and the actual dangerous of Islam never even get discussed. If they try and argue that Islam presents no danger to Americans, it's an argument they're bound to lose (Remember 9/11 and all the other Islamic terror attacks?). If they try and argue that Islam is a religion of peace, they can't win that argument either.
- 2 weeks ago
An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something:
Aversion to something:
A strong dislike or disinclination:
An extreme and irrational aversion to Islam and Islamic people.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Because liberals are mentally ill. Mentally ill people can’t think rational thoughts.