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Lv 4

On any normal day I could only make it up the 32 steps from my carpark 4 times max with my arthritis yesterday I must of done it 35-40 times?

And I pulled up fine, how lucky was I to observe this freakish natural healing process, I couldn't believe my own senses and thought I was just going through a period of wellness. I went online and found a university somewhere (bit of a secret which I can't give away) and they are doing research into this phenomenon, someone to tell them to stop we can't have people living better lives.


@ANDRE L, if you weren't a MORON you'd know this is the question ....... "how lucky was I to observe this freakish natural healing process"

Update 2:

@ANDRE L, You being a typical imbecile you couldn't even "observe" the question in this post

Update 3:

Person I can't refer to, you're not looking to sharp lately pressure is taking it's toll on your sad assmelon and those kilo's you've put on must be giving your joints a nasty message by now

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    It certainly is a miracle. 

  • 1 week ago


    Attachment image
  • 1 week ago

    Oh dear   Oh dear, help may be around the corner for you

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago


    Attachment image
  • 1 week ago

    Yes they have to stay home sad and be miserable or the roads will be car parks with traffic going nowhere.

  • 1 week ago

    So, did you have an actual QUESTION ?

    Apparently not.

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