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Never changed address at work ?

I have recently moved into NYC. I have not changed my address as I plan on keeping my parents address. I did not change the address at my job. If I were to change addresses, I would now be subject to the NYC wage tax. Can I be in legal trouble for this, and can this get me fired from my job

3 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    Fired, no. Just in trouble with the taxing authority.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    If you spend 183 days of the year in NYC, you are considered a resident no matter where you say your address is. There are 2 questions on line E of a NY tax return.  Did you maintain living quarters in NYC?  Enter number of days spent in NYC. Any part of a day counts as a day.  If your job is in NYC you are subject to NYC tax.

  • 1 week ago

    Yes, it's illegal. But you should know that. That's why you asked the question, hoping someone would say it's ok. It is not.

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