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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationMaintenance & Repairs · 1 week ago

Let my oil level get low, replaced it with the wrong stuff and now I have acceleration issues... How screwed am I..?

So I was driving my 2014 Subaru Forester to work when the "low oil" light came on (the Subaru has a low oil light AND a low pressure light, it was just low oil so i figured i could make it to work)

I drove about 10 miles more, parked it at work and then replaced it after I finished. But it needs 0w-20 and I used 5w-30.

I drove it home 55 miles (about an hour by highway) and at the end of the drive, it has trouble going up hills without jerking. It doesn't sound like it's going to stall but it feels jerky...

I since replaced the oil properly, draining out the bad and putting in 0w-20.

How screwed is the engine..? Can anything be done short of an engine replacement..?


Just wanna be clear, I drained it and put in the right stuff and it still feels really jerky.

5 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    Pull the OBD2 codes, tell us what they were, then ask us for help.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    No Chance without Jesus

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    The Christmas tree idiot lights were lit up and you still drove for 10 miles????

    Tthe cam phasers are likely shot or the camshaft is shot.  Replace the cam phaser (variable valve timing actuators) solenoid valves and pray.  Change the oil again after replacement.  Check for codes with a scanner.  Try turning the crankshaft by hand.  If engine feels stiff, it might be time to scout the junkyards for a new engine.

  • 1 week ago

    5w-30 should have been close enough.  If it was low on oil, but still had enough for pressure, the jerkiness should be from some other problem.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Drain it and refill with the right stuff, doofus.

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